II. The King

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Photo: Taken by Me

The next morning, Technoblade had taken Dream's restraints, holding them tightly. The tip of the tall palace started to come into view through the trees. There were small cottages around the outskirts of town. They made their way into the city, Dream getting lots of stares and pointing from the citizens.

They made it to the gate of the palace that was to color of white and gold with a touch of teal for the roofs. The gate opened when the palace guards saw Technoblade. Dream looked around for an escape plan.

They entered into the castle's courtyard where two gigantic wooden doors opened for the five to enter. Technoblade pushed Dream through the winding corridors and into a vast room with high ceilings. There was a stained glass window shaped like the kingdom's symbol, the blue bird, opposite the entrance. There was a kingly throne under the window where a tall man sat, watching the five come in. King Eret.

Technoblade stopped in front of the throne, before looking back at Sapnap who took Dream's restraints. George and Bad bowed as Technoblade made his way up to the throne. Sapnap tried to force Dream to bow but he resisted.

He bowed to no one. Especially not the king that made his life miserable. Sapnap wasn't pleased with his resistance, kicking him in the back of the leg causing him to fall to his knee. He kept Dream from getting up by placing a hand on his shoulder and pushing him down.

"Your Highness, I give you Dream. The thief who stole the Queen's crown." Technoblade said.

"So. You're Dream." He spoke slowly and highly, looking down with a slight lip curl at Dream like he was a dirty rat. He had curly brown hair and brown eyes. He was tall and wore a golden crown along with a flashy red cape. He wore dark black shades over his eyes.

"I didn't steal your crown. You have the wrong person." Dream snapped.

The king scoffed, "Likely story. I know that you are an expert in your position. Stealing to get money or fame. All of the evidence points to you."

Dream thought for a second, "Then your source must be lying. I never came here. Someone must be framing me."

"Silence!" The king spat, "Do not argue."

Some movement caught Dream's eye from a stairwell that was on the right of the throne. A young woman came through. She was wearing a blue dress that glimmered in the sun that came through the stained glass window. She had long brown hair that flowed down her shoulders and the most purple eyes Dream had ever seen. They glowed in the sunlight like freshly washed amethysts. She pulled uncomfortably at the dress like she had never worn one.

"Tip. Go back up the stairs." The king ordered. Tip? Dream knew that name, it was the name of the princess. She looked between the king and then Dream.

"Who is that?" She asked, ignoring her father's orders.

"Tip, return upstairs. This is dangerous." He said, earning a glare from Dream. He wasn't dangerous unless he needed to be. Tip finally broke her stare from Dream and then went back upstairs. The king rolled his eyes. "Dream, you are hereby sentenced to death for an act of tyranny against your kingdom." The king stated.

"What?! I didn't steal anything from you!" Dream exclaimed. Two guards came up to Dream and Sapnap, taking Dream's wrists and making him stand up. They pushed him through a corridor on the left side of the throne room. Going through a few twisting hallways they opened a locked, wooden door that led down a steep spiral staircase. The guard shoved him forward nearly causing him to fall down them.

The second guard closed the door behind. They walked down the staircase going lower and lower underground. Finally they reached the bottom. It was damp and cold. Rusted cells lined the walls with five on each side. The guard pushed him down to the last cell on the left. There was a lone torch at the end of the hallway that barely gave off enough light to light the whole corridor.

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