XVI. Caught

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Tw: Gore, Harassment

There was a gentle click. Dream thought it was his own dreams but something wasn't right. He woke up to make sure everything was clear. "I'm sure that was him. There was a scar down his face." Someone whispered outside the door. Dream's eyes narrowed as he got out of the bed. The fire was nearly out so it must have been late into the night. The blizzard was now just a gentle snowfall out the window.

"We will handle this sir. This is dangerous. Please return back downstairs." Someone else whispered.

Dream grabbed his axe, "Tip. Ranboo. Wake up." The voices outside the door instantly quieted.

Tip sat up, her eyes glossy and her hair frizzy from the pillow, "What?" Her voice croaked. Ranboo had also woken up and was also looking around confused.

"They know who we are." Dream answered.

As soon after he said that, a demanding voice spoke outside the door, "DreamWasTaken. You are under arrest by Snowchester guards. You are surrounded. Come quietly and things will be easier for you." Dream took a quick glance out the window and didn't see any guards. The guard was bluffing about being surrounded.

"What do we do?" Tip whispered, getting out of the bed and standing next to him.

"Just get your weapons and follow my lead." He whispered back to her and Ranboo. He then spoke in a much louder voice towards the door, "All right Snowchester, you got me." Tip grabbed her sword that was resting on the floor and Ranboo cocked his crossbow, standing behind Dream. Dream strode over to the window, opening it and letting snow fall to the wooden floor. He slipped on his mask and pulled his hood over his hair.

"Very well. If you have weapons, leave them on the floor and hands on the wall." One guard demanded. Dream signaled for Tip and Ranboo to follow. He stepped over to the wall of the door, standing next to the door. Tip stood next to him and Ranboo behind her. "We are coming in. Don't try anything." The guard said.

Dream spoke so quietly almost no sound came out, "Get ready to fight." Tip unsheathed her sword and Ranboo readied his crossbow.

There was another click and the door began to open slowly towards Dream. "The window is open! They must have left-" Dream appeared around the door, swinging at the closest guard in shiny iron armor. The guard blocked his swing but stumbled backward and into the other two guards. The four men stumbled into the hallway.

The guard shoved Dream off of his sword so he could collect himself. Dream heard swords clashing behind him an arrow hit wood with a chink sound.

Dream blocked a swing from the guard and easily deflected it. He swung from the left and skimmed the wooden wall of the narrow hallway with the blade of his axe. The guard ducked under the blade and then tried to hit Dream as he came up. Dream barely blocked with the hilt of his axe.

"Dream!" Tip's voice shouted around the hall. It sounded worried and panicked. Dream glanced back, seeing Tip struggling to keep her own against the guard. The guard had her backed up to the wall and she was just defending. Dream had to block an attack from the guard he was fighting. He heard another strangled yelp from Tip but Dream had to deal with the guard first.

He quickly triped the guard and he fell to his back. His heavy armor made it difficult for him to get up. Dream spun around to help Tip but the sight shocked him. At the same time, Ranboo had his loaded crossbow pointed down at his pinned down guard.

The guard had a blade to her neck, hers descared on the floor. She was pressed up to his metal armor, trying to get the blade away from her neck but this sharp edge was digging into her skin and drawing a bit of blood. The guard on the floor started to get up behind.

"Drop the axe Dream! I'd hate to kill such a pretty face." The guard smirked. Dream didn't move, racking his brain for an idea. "Drop the damn blade!" Dream studied the look on Tip's face. Sheer terror but also concern. Sunlight started to creep through the window at the end of the hallway behind Dream signaling it was early dawn.

Dream started to lower his axe, loosening his grip on the hilt, "Dream. Don't." Tip choked.

"Too late, beautiful. Glad I didn't have to hurt you, yet." The guard hummed in her ear causing the hairs on the back of her neck to stand up. The other hand that wasn't holding the sword came up to Tip and gripped her chin and pulled her head to his where he pressed his lips onto hers.

Dream didn't understand what came over him but seeing Tip trying to get away but couldn't instantly sent a mad surge through his body. His muscles moved out of instinct gripping the axe and swinging up at the guard. The axe missed Tip and hit the guard's wrist that held her chin. The blade didn't even halt from the contact but following through with the arc.

The guard screamed in pain and let go of the sword that kept Tip in place as the disconnected hand fell to the floor. Tip scooped up her sword and stood next to Dream who spun around to hit the unexpecting guard standing behind him. He fell back again from the impact of the blade on his chest piece. "Go!" Dream demanded. They pushed through the withering guard who was blocking the exit. Tip had some red splattered on her cheek but she didn't seem to care as she ran through the front door of the Inn.

"Hey! Over here!" Shouted a new voice. The trio stopped to see an older man peeking around a building. He waved them over.

Tip looked at Dream for reassurance and he nodded, "Just go!" Dream pushed her gently forward by the shoulder towards the man. They followed the man behind the building as two of the three guards came out of the Inn.

The man led them to the opposite corner of the building. He waved his hand and the wooden planks started to shift apart like a puzzle folding away by itself. The three gawked at the new doorway. "Well? Are you just going to stand there or are we gonna get caught?" The man smiled.

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