XVII. The Sorcerer

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Tip looked at the doorway and quickly went inside and disappeared into the depths. Dream followed with his axe still clutched in his hands. The man smiled as Ranboo passed and ducked under the door. He soon followed and closed the door behind with the wave of his hand.

"You're the sorcerer?" Tip asked once the door fully closed and he turned around.

"No, I just like magic doors." He grinned. There was a long pause, "Ehh I'm just kiddin'. Would you like some tea?" The man hobbled between them while torches lit as he entered a room. They definitely weren't in the building as there weren't any windows and everything smelled dusty and damp like they were underground.

The doorway was at the other end of a narrow hallway and a small room with a few chairs around a round wooden table. The walls were made of a rotting wood and stone brick floor and ceiling. Ranboo was barely able to stand up all the way without scraping his horns on the ceiling. There was a stove and bed on one wall with a few cupboards hanging loosely on the wall.

"You are the sorcerer." Tip stated more confidently this time.

"What makes you say that, your highness?" He asked as a kettle and tea cups started to float from the cupboards and onto the stove that lit.

"You're using magic- wait, you know who I am?" Tip asked as the man sat down in one of the chairs, throwing his feet on the table.

He nodded, "I know who all of you are. Probably more than you know yourselves. TipGlace of the EretSMP. DreamWasTaken, the noble thief that actually puts a good name on thieves and has gained more than he has lost. Ranboo, half Enderman, half ghast. One that sees emotion." He laughed. "Sit down please. It is awkward with you all standin' there." He said. He was short and walked with a wobble. His right eye was white with blindness and most of his teeth were missing. His chin stuck out and was covered in white stubs.

Tip moved into one of the chairs and Ranboo made his way over to one of the chairs and sat down as well. Dream was left standing. He did not let his guard down for a second, "How do you know if you can trust me? You don't!" The man laughed.

"How did you-" Dream started, confused as to how the old man knew what he was thinking.

The man laughed again, "I told you young man. I know more than you think I do." The kettle started to wheeze in signal that it was finished. It instantly took itself off the stove and floated over to the four tea cups and poured the scalding hot water in to the cups. "If you don't trust me then I assume I can not help the problem you have." He took a sip of the tea while Dream considered the words.

Dream took a look at Tip and Ranboo. Ranboo was studying the room while Tip was fascinated with poking the tea kettle that was floating in the middle of the table. Dream sat down in the chair still on high alert. "Please take off the mask. It's rude to wear it at the table. Besides, how are you supposed to drink your tea?" The man said. Dream glared at him in a challenging way. Tip nudged him in the arm to get him to listen to which he finally did and slid off his hood and taking off the mask.

Pleased, the man continued, "I am Gru. Snowchester's sorcerer- but you can't tell anyone that for uh, reasons. Anyways, I hear you have a stalker problem Mr. Taken." Dream was about to answer but was interrupted, "Oh and a palace problem, and a- well I guess you have a lot of problems." Dream shot him a glare.

"Yes I know. I thought you did too if you know so much." Dream shot back. Tip gave Dream a glare which he ignored.

Gru laughed, "I guess you are right. I can only help you with the huntin' party though. The rest you have to deal with on your own. You have quite the future ahead of you."

"You can see the future?" Tip asked, shocked.

Gru chuckled, "Somethin' like that."

"How have you avoided the palace for so long?" Tip asked, genuinely curious. The palace used the sorcerer to find other sorcerers.

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