XXI. Lost But Found

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“Be there in a sec!” Someone shouted from inside. It sounded young and soon there was the click of a deadlock unlocking. A young girl answered, “Wilbur?” She asked, seeing the brunette.

Tip instantly thought of Dream when she saw her. She was about 14. She was a bit shorter than Tip and had long dark blond hair like Dream that went down to her shoulder blades. Her eyes glowed brightly green. Freckles dotted her nose and cheeks. She wore a black long sleeve shirt and blue jeans. She was dressed for comfort.

“Hey Drista.” Wilbur waved. 

She scanned everyone else that was with Wilbur. “What are you doing here-“ Her eyes landed on Dream and her eyes widened. “D- Dream?” Her voice shook as her eyes started to water.

Dream nodded. She quickly walked up to him and hugged him. He knelt down so that he could hold her better. She sobbed into his hoodie. Tears were jerking at his own eyes as she looked at him, “I thought you were g- gone.” She choked.

“I did too. I thought I lost you.” He said softly. Her tears stopped as she studied his face before she touched his skin right above his left eyebrow. Right where the scar started. 

“Where did you get this?” She asked. 

“The last night I saw you.” He said. Drista had a pained expression fall on her face as another tear fell. He wiped her tear away with his thumb, “But that doesn’t matter now. I found you again.” She nodded with a smile as she wiped her eyes.

“Where did Wilbur go?” Tip asked. Dream hesitated to look away from his sister in case she vanished again but where Wilbur was standing was now empty. 

“Wait, you know Wilbur?” Drista asked. She went back inside, waving for them to follow inside. She checked around the house for Wilbur. 

“Yeah. I’ve known him for years.” Dream answered and closed the door behind the three.

“What?!” Drista snapped, “He knew you while he was here?” 

Dream started to think, “Wilbur knew that we were both alive this whole time.”

“What the hell?” Drista spat. 

“Not the worst thing he has done lately. Now he flees like a coward.” Dream grumbled.

“Why?” Tip asked more to herself than anyone else. Everyone looked at her, “Why would Wilbur bring us here and then leave? Does he have a plan?” She asked.

“Why? You say that like he did something wrong.” Drista asked. 

“He did. He framed me by the palace and is trying to kill the king.”  Dream answered.

“Wow. I had a bad feeling about him but I didn’t know he was evil.” Drista turned to Tip and Ranboo, “Who are you two?” 

“I’m Tip and this is Ranboo.” Tip said gesturing to Ranboo on her left. 

“Tip? As in Princess Tip?” Drista asked, recognizing the name.

Dream nodded, “It’s a long story. We were trying to catch Wilbur but he slipped away again.” 

“We got time. I’m curious as to why you are traveling with the princess and what has happened these past six years.” Drista said and led them to her living room. There were sofas on either side of  a coffee table and a fireplace that crackled at the end of the room.

Tip and Ranboo sat down on one sofa while Dream and Drista sat down on the other one. “Okay, tell me everything.” She side with a glint in her eye.

Dream told his story about meeting Wilbur and how Wilbur taught him how to use a sword and steal. How he was then caught by the palace for stealing the queen’s crown and Tip and Ranboo had freed him from execution. Together, they all told Drista about the hunters and the compasses, traveling to Snowchester, and Wilbur telling him he was a sorcerer.

“So you know you are a sorcerer?” Drista asked. 

Dream nodded, “I don’t know what Wilbur’s plan is but he wanted to bring us here.” There was an earth shaking thud that shook the entire house. 

“What was that?!” Tip asked concerningly.

“Sounds like Corsa and Ejin are back.” Drista said. She stood up and headed for the door. The three followed her outside. They looped around to the side of the house. 

There, a large reptile with brown scales was nuzzling a much smaller version of itself. The beast looked at Drista who approached without fear. It’s scales were tan and brown so it didn’t fit in with the white snow. It’s long tail followed behind it like a snake. It had large yellow eyes that stared at the other three. It’s arms went down to hold itself up. Thin membrane of skin stretched between the long thin fingers. It was larger than the house and could  blow the snow off the roof.

It was a wyvern. The smaller wyvern bounded up to Drista with it’s forked tongue hanging out of its mouth like an excited dog. The small one was about the size of a large dog. Drista scratched the little dragon behind its frilled ear. 

Dream, Tip, and Ranboo stood very far from the two flying reptiles. Drista giggled, “C’mon. They are nice. This is Corsa and her son Ejin.” 

Corsa watched as they came closer. “I thought all of the dragons were killed off centuries ago.” Tip said, patting the snout of Ejin who was sniffing her leather jacket. 

“Most were. Those that survived traveled here.” She patted Corsa’s snout who had leaned her head down so she could see Drista better. 

“That is amazing.” Tip said and scratched Ejin’s neck. He purred with pleasure. 

“Yes they are from the basic world.” Drista said to the large dragon like she had asked a question. 

“Did you just talk to a dragon?” Dream asked.

“⎅⍀⏃☌⍜⋏⌇ ⏃⍀⟒ ⌇⟒⋏⏁⟟⟒⋏⏁ ⏚⟒⟟⋏☌⌇ ⌰⟟☍⟒ ⊑⎍⋔⏃⋏⌇. ⏁⊑⟒ ⟒⋏⎅⟒⍀⎅⍀⏃☌⍜⋏ ⎍⌇⟒⌇ ⋔⟟⋏⎅ ☊⍜⋔⋔⎍⋏⟟☊⏃⏁⟟⍜⋏ ⏁⍜ ⏁⏃⌰☍ ⏁⟒⌰⟒⌿⏃⏁⊑⟟☊⏃⌰⌰⊬ ⍙⟟⏁⊑ ⏁⊑⟒ ⟒⋏⎅⟒⍀⋔⟒⋏.” Ranboo explained. (Dragons are sentient beings like humans. The Enderdragon uses mind communication to talk telepathically with the endermen.)

Ranboo walked up to Corsa and she sniffed him before nuzzling her snout into his chest making him hug her large head. “I like this one.” Her voice hummed in his mind like sand. 

“She must like you, Ranboo. That is exactly what dragons do. I’m sure you will hear her eventually once she trusts you. Ejin is a bit too young for that.” Drista agreed. Ejin was now running around, jumping up in the air, flapping his wings a couple times and then landing again around Tip who was laughing. 

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