XX. Parallel

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Morning rolled around quickly as Dream did a perimeter check. He still had a tough time believing that he was a sorcerer and that his sister was still alive. It all seemed like a fairytale. Ranboo came back a few hours ago and tried to take watch for a while so Dream could sleep.

Truthfully, Dream didn't think he could fall asleep with the thoughts running through his head. A part of him really hoped that Wilbur was lying so he wouldn't have grieved for nothing. The other part was hoping he wasn't lying. He did miss Drista and maybe now he could fix the mistake he had made so long ago.

He was also thankful Tip had been there for him last night. He didn't realize how much he was struggling with Wilbur's information and she really helped clear it up for him. He wondered where their paths would split.

They would have to split eventually. Tip would have to go back to the palace so she could learn to rule after the king passed. He couldn't ever go near the palace even if his name was cleared from the crown heist. He had too many felonies from other heists. The thought caused his heart to twist. He didn't want her to leave his side. He scolded himself. He hated how emotional he was. His emotions would get him killed if he didn't get them under control.

He came into the clearing that they had made camp in. He could now see how sorcerers could find other sorcerers so well. The moment he got near the camp he could feel Wilbur's bubble of warmth he put around the campsite. Last night when he had summoned all of the pillows and blankets, Dream could feel where he got each one. Most were from the Inn that they had stayed in the night before.

Ranboo was already awake and was poking the embers in the base of the fire. Tip was still asleep where he had left her. She was using her arm as a pillow as she snored soundlessly. Wilbur was also awake and had made a pillow throne as he smirked at Dream. Dream gave him a glare. "We should get moving." Wilbur ordered.

"⍙⏃⋏⏁ ⋔⟒ ⏁⍜ ☌⟒⏁ ⏁⟟⌿ ⎍⌿?" Ranboo asked. (Want me to get Tip up?). Dream recalled Gru saying "One who sees emotion". He didn't understand what that meant but he had a feeling Ranboo was hiding something. Endermen have always been mysterious creatures.

Dream nodded. Ranboo shook her awake, "Is it morning already?" She asked groggily. Dream couldn't help but smile at her messy hair and gruff voice. She started to get up and comb out her hair with her fingers. She stretched and yawned before helping Ranboo gather their things.

"Where are we going?" Dream asked Wilbur coldly.

"To Drista's place. I thought that was obvious." The burnett grinned.

"I know that." Dream snapped, "Where is that though?"

"It's nowhere and everywhere." Wilbur said with a laugh.

"Don't play dumb." Dream warned. He was really getting tired of Wilbur's games.

Wilbur chuckled, "I'm serious, Dream. She found a way to hide in plain sight. She found a way to hide around the mortal's eye. She is smart, like you."

"So where is she?" Dream asked.

Wilbur smirked, "I'll show you." Wilbur led them through the forest once they were packed up. Tip walked next to Dream and Ranboo walked on her right. She was shuffling her boots through the snow like a child after it snows. When Dream looked back he saw that their tracks were filling back up with snow like they were undoing themselves. Wilbur must have made it so no one could follow them by their tracks.

They came up to a large ponderosa pine that grew onto the face of a rock. The tree was slightly slanted from the stone but it still looked healthy. The roots wrapped around half of the rock before plunging into the soil. The stone was flat like a plate balancing on its rim and being held up by the tree. Wilbur approached the stone and tree and placed his hand on the rough surface of the stone.

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