XXIII. Goodbyes aren't Forever

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Tip followed Drista to the entrance. Dream and Ranboo walked by her. She had changed her dress this morning and watched the makeup appear on her face. Ejin and Corsa had followed and Ejin was trying to catch the rabbits with lavender fur. 

Tip wasn’t ready to leave yet but she had to catch Wilbur. They soon stopped at a large tree stump. The top of the stump was taller than Ranboo. Drista created a sky blue orb in her hand before throwing it at the stump like Wilbur had.

 “This is it.” Drista said. The tension in the air was so thick  could cut it with a stick. Ejin sniffed the portal before hissing in disapproval and bounding back to Tip’s side.

“I guess I better go.” She turned to Ranboo, “I’m going to miss you.” She smiled and Ranboo nodded before hugging her.

Tip turned to Drista, “Thank you for everything. It was a pleasure to meet you.” 

Drista nodded, “Of course! Thank you for keeping an eye on my brother.” She smirked at Dream who shot her a glare. “Also, the hunters are staying in the Inn.” She explained.

Tip turned to Dream, “And thank you for this entire journey. This has been the best month of my entire life.” She stood up on her tippy toes and kissed him on the cheek, completely surprising him. He was too stunned to even say anything. Tip laughed.

Little one,” Corsa called in her mind. Tip looked at her. She was so large compared to the aspens and they bent around her figure like toothpicks. “Ejin wishes to travel with you. I have granted him permission to.” 

“How? He is a dragon. People will try to kill him.” She said. There was a bark and a chocolate labrador bounded in front of her wagging its tail excitedly. It was large even for a labrador but it had two golden eyes that if you looked at long enough had slits for pupils.

Ejin the labrador started to chase his tail while barking, “Ejin looks ready to go.” Drista laughed, “Good luck with him. He is a handful.” Ejin sat next to Tip’s side, panting and wagging his tail. Tip scratched his furry head before he saw another rabbit and took off running after it while barking. Tip smiled at the dog. 

Dream came to her, “I’m going to miss you.” 

She smiled, “It’s only for a little while. You know where I’ll be and I’m sure you can send a crow or other form of messaging.” 

“I know. Still though.” He said softly, “Just be safe okay? If anything is wrong, tell me and I’ll be there.” 

“Okay but I’ll be in the palace the whole time so I’ll be safe. I might have Techno teach me some sword skills.” She answered with a smile. 

“Tip, you have to go. The portal is closing.” Drista said. Tip looked back and saw the splatter starting to fade.

“Okay. Goodbye everyone. We shall see each other soon. C’mon Ejin!” She called into the woods. Ejin barked and ran out before jumping through the splatter. Tip walked up to the portal. She glanced back at Dream and waved with a smile. She stepped through the portal and it closed behind her.

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