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The note laid open on her desk. He was on his way. She barricaded the door to keep Wilbur out. "We have to warn him. It's a trap." She said quickly to Ejin. He wasn't in his dog form. He pushed the window open with his snout and glanced out. She was wearing the dress she loved so much that Drista had enchanted. Her sword hung at her hip. She had to keep it hidden since her father would take it away. Ejin growled and jumped up to the window. The body of a large creature landed in the trees.

"Princess?" Wilbur said outside the door.

"We have to go." She whispered. Ejin jumped out the window and hovered in front of it. Tip climbed up on the windowsill. She took Ejin's talons and he glided down with her. They had practiced this escape for months. Ejin was able to glide far with her so they made it into the woods. "We have to find them." She said to Ejin. He squeeked and ran ahead while sniffing the air. He chirped for her to follow and they pushed their way through the trees.

"No Drista. It's the same palace." She heard Dream's voice. She nearly broke down from just hearing it. They found the clearing they landed in. Ejin bounded up to Corsa and nuzzled her. The three others looked in Tip's direction. "Tip?" Dream asked, shocked. Dream came to her and hugged her. She melted under his touch. She didn't even know she started crying into his chest. She had missed him too much and she was glad he was okay. "What are you doing out here?" He asked.

She was then reminded why she came out here. She looked up at him. "You guys have to go." She choked out.

"Why?" Drista asked.

"Wilbur. He is here. He always has. He has been here with me since the day I came back. He wouldn't let me tell my father what actually happened. You guys are still fugitives." She said quickly.

"But the letters..." Dream said.

"Wilbur saw each one. He told me what to write back. He wanted you to think that it was safe here. You have to go or you will be killed." Tip said quickly.

"Tsk tsk. Your Highness. Why would you lie like that?" Wilbur said behind her. Technoblade, George, Sapnap, Bad, and several royal guards stood behind him. George had an arrow notched in a bow and pointed at Dream's head. "Both Dream and his sister are sorcerers," Wilbur had an evil smirk, "kill them." Drista moved first. Vines twisted around the miniature army's feet and caused them to fall. Dream equipped his axe and blocked a swing from Technoblade. Corsa hissed and smacked a wave of soldiers away from her and Ejin with her tail.

"Corsa! Fly!" Drista yelled as the men started to get back up. Corsa scooped Ejin on the top of her snout and she threw him up into the sky. He took flight and Corsa lifted into the sky. Soldiers tried to throw spears and shoot arrows at her but they bounced harmlessly off her hide. Ranboo shot at the soldiers.

There was a loud clang as Technoblade's sword and Dream's axe met. Technoblade disarmed Dream but instead of Dream's weapon landing on the ground it appeared back in his hand by his magic. "Techno! Stop!" Tip shouted. She was caught by two guards from intervening. Drista was controlling a tree to swipe the soldiers away but one snuck up on her and pushed her to the ground.

Soldiers were starting to press Dream. Even with magic he would be overpowered by that many people swinging at him. Technoblade took a random thrust with his sword and Dream didn't deflect in time. Tip watched in horror as Technoblade's sword sliced into Dream's side. "Dream!" She screamed. Dream fell back. It wasn't fatal but he would bleed out soon. Dream clutched the wound on his side.

"This is justice, Dream." Technoblade said, raising his sword to end his life. Tip wrestled out of the grip of the soldiers. She threw herself in between Technoblade and Dream with her arms outstretched. The whole forest froze. "Tip move." Technoblade demanded.

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