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Race: Human/ Newly Created Half-god
Age: 17
Power: Natures Rage, Forest Devastation, Song of Nature, Forest Shield, Nature Shield, Strike Of the Stars, Healing Touch, Can transform into predatory animals
Weapon: Emerald Blade
Family: Arlene Dason-Sister, Tristan Dason-Brother, Tina Dason-Mother, Dominick Dason-Father, Pan-God of the forest, Nathan King-Boyfriend
Occupation: Guardian of nature, cook

AXEL DASON:Race: Human/ Newly Created Half-godAge: 17Power: Natures Rage, Forest Devastation, Song of Nature, Forest Shield, Nature Shield, Strike Of the Stars, Healing Touch, Can transform into predatory animalsWeapon: Emerald BladeFamily: Arlene...

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I started to regain consciousness, but was still very very tired, "Sounds like he's waking up." A new voice said, the moment I heard this voice I instantly sat up, but regretted it immediately as my head felt like it had just been used as a drum,

I groaned and grabbed my head. "Easy there, don't want you to pass out again." This new person said to me, I turned and saw a huge tower of muscle, I'd bet he was at least 6'4-6'6

"Who are you?" I asked suspiciously, He laughed in a booming voice, then answered softly "No reason to be so defensive little one. The name is oren, I'm Rex's husband."

The moment he said Rex I calmed down somewhat, then I finally took a look at my surroundings, I was in some kind of lavish room it was beautiful. It was purple and had an amazing homey feel to it.

"Where am I" I asked

"You're in your room." Oren replied, it took a second to register what he just said.

"My room?" I asked as I looked at him confused, and just when he was about to answer a familiar face came barging through the door.

"Oh thank the gods you're awake!" Sandra said in a relieved tone.

"Sandra!" I breathed in relief, "How are you feeling?" She asked me, "I'm ok, but I don't remember what happened."

And then it all came backs to me, being raped, the power I unleashed and then I remembered the most important thing of all,

"Axel!!" I stood up but Sandra and Oren were on me in a second, " Whoa there cowboy, you need to calm down!" Oren said as he and Sandra kept me from getting to excited. "You don't understand! He's bleeding he needs help!"

I tried to wrestle out of their grips but it was no use with Oren holding me firmly down,

"Nathan calm down, Axel is fine, he's bein treated right now." Sandra said and I immediately calmed down somewhat after she said that.

"I need to see him Sandra, please!" I begged, " Of course you can see him but it might be better if you cleaned yourself up first, you've been asleep for two days now, you are in definite need of a shower!" She said as she fanned her nose.

I stopped struggling and took a sniff at myself and immediately gagged, she was right I reeked.

She and Oren directed me to the shower and it was as gorgeous as the room.

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