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NATHAN POV: Today is the day we've waited for, Charlie and the others found the mystic paper needed to make the mystic contract.

Tyson and Axel went down to the cells and released our "guests", while one of the other Demi God's went and retrieved my parents from jail.

I was to stay downstairs in the safehouse while everything was going on, and I was not happy about it, I sat there in the room that was made for me in the omega safehouse sulking and pouting.

I wanted to help too, but everyone said it was too dangerous for me and that I needed to think of the baby, and I knew they were right but I was still annoyed.

"Well be back in a little bit, once it's safe and everything is done and taken care of we'll come get you, ok?" Tyson said as he and Axel were leaving

I pouted towards them but nodded my head ok, "Nathan I know you want to help but you can't, not in your condition. And certainly not if your mother knows that you're pregnant." Tyson said, and even though I knew he was right I was still annoyed.

"We'll be back soon and once your mother has been apprehended and everything is said and done we'll come get you, ok?" Axel said and I nodded my head.

They both kissed me on the forehead and closed and locked the door as they left, I decided to get under the covers and make myself comfortable, then I started to doze off and all the while I thought about how my life was going to change for the better once everything was taken care of, and that thought alone had me drifting off to a peaceful slumber.


We sent Jake to retrieve Nathan's parents, and my father went to the cells to get Tanya and the others.

A few minutes later my father walks into the office with our guests in tow, and the moment they walk into the office they immediately start looking around and once I locked eyes with Tanya and Ander my wolf felt my anger for them and my eyes immediately went from my normal color to alpha red.

Axel's eyes also changed to his beta green, they both looked at us and shrinked away in fear, then the others came in and saw our eyes, looking at us in fear.

"Son, Axel could you both please control your wolves, and Axel please keep your other animals in line especially when they get here." My dad asked but it was easier said than done, my wolf viewed these people as a threat to my mate and pup, so he was not happy.

But we at least held it back a bit so they could enter the office, and just as my dad closed the door a silver portal appeared, letting us know that it was Jake, we saw him come through and he had the most annoyed face on him.

Then not two seconds later a figure come through the portal and once it closed we saw him, Nathan's father, my wolf was snarling and growling in my head wanting to tear him to shreds, my nails had turned into claws and my fangs were on full display, I could tell my eyes were glowing and I had to keep Ramos on a very tight leash before he did something we would regret later.

Nathans father saw our claws and eyes, then looked at us wide eyed and fearful, my wolf reveled in the fear they had of us, and as I looked next to me I saw that axel was just as bad as me, and my father had to get in front of both of us and release his wolf's eyes and alpha aura to force our wolves to back down, our wolves knew that my dad was the stronger of us so they retreated to the back of our minds.

"Now then if there are no other distractions we can get on with this meeting." My dad said as his eyes returned to normal and went to his desk as if he didn't just force another alpha and a beta to submit so easily.

"The contract is very simple, it states that henceforth once you are matched with whatever type of supernatural you are predisposed to you are to not only keep the supernatural world a secret but you are also never to set foot on my pack land's with hostile intent, not only that but you are to keep Nathan's pregnancy a secret as well." After my father said the terms of the contract, they all looked at each other and nodded.

"That's a fair and reasonable agreement, I see no reason why this needs to get ugly. As long as we get what we want." Nathan's father answered, and honestly I could swear I saw Nathan's father's eyes turn black for a second, and once that happened I smelled something foul, my inner wolf was snarling saying dark magic again and again.

This let me know that Tiffany was using her dark magic to control Nathan's father and speak through him, and judging from the way my father and Axel scrunched up their noses they could smell it too.

Then another portal appeared and it was Maria, she had gone to get Tiffany, who was right behind her, she went straight to her husband and my dad told her about the contract but not about Nathan being pregnant.

Nathan's father and the others signed the contract, which was a relief to us but when his mother was going to sign we actually had her sign a different contact without them knowing, this was the real magic contract, the one everyone else signed was just a regular piece of paper.

Now that we know she's the real mastermind she's the only one we are targeting.

"Before you can be granted your powers, we must determine what your ranks are, then we need to find out what supernatural being best suits you." My dad got up and reached into a drawer that was in his desk, and pulled out the same kind of tablet that was used to determine our ranks but it looked different.

"This is a special tablet that one of our guests gave me, it determines what rank and supernatural race you should be, so who's first?" My dad said guest instead of Charlie's name because he didn't want Nathan's mom to know we were on to her.

Nathan's father immediately went first, he placed his hands on it and it immediately glowed dark red, the same color that the wolf tablet glowed when my dad and I touched it, meaning he was a greater alpha, my dad immediately caught my worried glance and I caught his, then the Stones turned into lions.

"It seems you are a lion shifter, and from the looks of it a greater alpha lion at that," my dad explained and Nathan's father had a very pleased look on his face, then the others went.

Tanya-hunter- leapord- akija
Ander -warrior- lion- Rorke
Dane- gamma- lion- Tirres
Hanson/Price -hunter- jaguar- Rasqa
Hanson -beta- tiger- Sorden
price - omega - jaguar- Rosken
black - hunter- jaguar- Resa
Jacobson- omega- leapord- Jai

Each of them was tested and determined to be all feline based, which was kinda cool I guess, but Nathan's mother didn't want to do it, claiming she wanted to stay human for a while, me, Axel and my father knew this was a giant lie.

"Now that everything is done we'll go through with the proper procedures, come with us," my dad got up and we went into the woods, we didn't want them shifting and destroying the pack house. We were met in the woods with Rex, he was gonna summon the animal spirits to appear.

"Is everything ready?" My dad asked, he called Rex ahead of time and told him everything, and as we got there we saw spirits already summoned.

"Who's first?" Rex asked, and as usual Nathan's father went first. "I would recommend that you take off your clothes before this starts, because once your animal spirits merge with you, you'll shift into your animal and you'll be naked, and no one wants to see that." My dad explained, everyone looked at each other and they went behind the trees before they each started, then Nathan's father came out in just his boxers, and as he approached one lion spirit came towards him.

"I am Raeku, it is a pleasure human!" The lion spirit spoke to Nathan's father, "The pleasure is mine." Nathan's dad replied, then Raeku turned into mist and entered him, not long after he changed and turned into his giant Lion form, the as he stood tall he let out an impressive roar, then once he changed into his human form and redressed, but he had the Aura of an alpha,on him.

Then the others came from behind the trees in just underwear and greeted their animal spirits then merged with them, turning into their animal forms.
By the time everything was said and done we discovered that Tanya was Adler's mate, Hanson and his wife were mates, thankfully. And price and Jacobsen were omega's, and Dane is Jacobson's mate.

When they all shifted back into their human forms and redressed, they acknowledged Logan as their alpha, making them a pride, but once their human selves began taking control, that's when everything changed.

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