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I was walking home from my new school, and honestly the school was so lame, they promoted tolerance and had a fierce policy against bullying the gay's of the school, honestly it just made me want to barf.

How can people accept those faggots?! They aren't natural!! My sister was with me and she hated the new school as much as I did.

We wouldn't even be in this mess if that slut Tanya had kept her legs closed, but apparently I wasn't good enough for her so she started riding my Best friend and some punk of a teacher.

Not only that but that freak Nathan ran away from home, his family got arrested for child abuse. They gave him life in prison and even labeled him a sex offender, his wife got the same thing.

Plus Axel's family left town, and I could swear I saw the new kids talking with his parents just before they left, something is going on and I want to know what.

Then suddenly a bright white light came from the alley we were about to walk past, me and Vicky looked at each other and then immediately went to the alley, and peaked in, there was some kind of vortex or something, four people stepped out and we recognized three of the new kids Wesley, Jake, and Sandra, they were with some guy who looked like a doctor.

"So you're sure you did everything accordingly?" Jake was asking "Positive, everything is taken care of. I've bought one of the ultrasound machines and I've set up my little clinic in a new room I created at the house." The doctor guy was saying. Me and Vicky were looking at each other questioningly, then focused back on the others.

"I still can't believe that we finally found the descendant of Saturn the actual god of silence death and destruction, I'm just sorry we couldn't get to him sooner. But at least he's safe now, and honestly we got five new guardians as well." They were talking about God's and guardians, we had no idea what was going on but we wanted to know.

" I just feel so bad for Nathan, I honestly don't understand why we couldn't get to him sooner." At the mention of the freak our interest was beyond peaked.

"I know what you mean, when I found you guys and trained you it was easy, but tracking him down was no easy task I assure you." The doctor said, "By the way, I'm still trying to wrap my head around the whole being a Demi God thing. I just think it's so cool that I'm a descendant of posiedon God of the seas. Also you never really told us why we have powers and our other family members don't." Wesley said and my jaw dropped, did he say Demi God?! What the hell is going on?!

"That's true I never told you guys about what happened, basically a group of Demi Gods went on a rampage, the gods sealed their powers and erased their memories, the gods then decided that only the one thousand descendant of their bloodline would have their power and only when they turned 16 would the power be completely theirs. Not only that but anyone born after the one thousand descendant will posses power's.

Not as strong as the guardian but still powerful, also the guardian will become immortal much like their Godly ancestor, hell I'm over four thousand years old that should tell you something. Plus I have the power of two different bloodlines, my great grandmother is the Oracle of Delphi and my Godly ancestor is Cronus the titan," the doctor said.

I was seriously trying not to freak out right now after hearing all this, "Well what will happen to Nathan's family?" I heard Wesley ask, "Wesley is right, I mean if another member of Nathan's family is born who's to say they won't go crazy? Nathan's the one thousandth member of Saturn's bloodline, and Saturn is the god of silence death and destruction, he's one of the six most powerful gods in our pantheon. Now that Nathan's become a guardian any child born after will have some of Saturn's power." Rex said.

Me and my sister's eyes were about to bug out of our skulls. That freak was a demi god?! How completely unfair!! "Plus Axel risked his life to save Nathan after his own father and ex friends raped him, if his powers hadn't activated and knocked them out they would've both died, luckily Charlie here was able to erase the memories of everyone who saw his powers, his teachers included and implant new ones, plus the way that Axel and Nathan love each other is something else, and when Axel was dying Nathan immediately wanted to save him, I'm just grateful pan agreed to make Axel his descendant and save him." 

"Yes thankfully, gods who don't have descendants like pan can choose if they wish to make someone their descendant, and with Axel love of nature and good heart pan agreed and it saved Axel life. Not only that but when you all told Axel's family about what had transpired they jumped at the chance to become guardians.

His sister bonded with Ceres goddess of earth, his brother bonded with Persephone goddess of spring his father bonded with atlas titan of strength and sky, and his mother bonded with Hestia the goddess of protection.

Which is a good thing too because they were the only gods who didn't have descendants. Now the greek pantheon is full!"

Upon hearing this I got so upset, Axel and his family are demi God's now!? Are you kidding me!!

"So do you think Nathan will want to keep them?" Sandra asked, we looked at each other confused, keep what?? "I still can't believe that that jerk Tyson and his friend Ander raped him along with his own father.

And what's worse is because he's a submissive supernatural male he can get pregnant like Wesley and the other submissive males, I just hope he doesn't get rid of the baby just because its Tyson's."

My mind went blank for a second, Nathan is pregnant with my kid?

"So since the child will be born after Nathan has already awoken his powers does that mean the baby will have abilities as well?" Rex asked,

"Yes though the child won't be as powerful as Nathan or Axel, who by the way is already in full protective father mode, the child will still have some power."

I tensed at that, Axel is acting like a dad to my kid? I don't think so!

"Nathan says he is definitely going to keep the baby, I can already tell he will be an amazing father, but that also means that I can't train him as I normally would. I have to wait for the next six months."

"Don't you mean nine months?" Rex asked, "No its six months, supernatural pregnancies are way way different than human ones, instead of nine months the birth time is sometimes cut in half to four to six months. Any way I need to go and you two need to get back to California and watch after Nathan, he needs nothing but calmness right now ok?" The doctor looked at the three and they all nodded their heads.

I then saw Sandra take some Pearl looking thing off her bracelet and another one replaced the one she took off, she then threw it on the ground and another portal appeared, and the three new kids left through the portal, and the doctor walked towards us, we hid behind a bush as he walked across the street to the hospital.

We immediately told our parents what we saw, Vicky even recorded the portal creation on her phone, when my parents saw it they were completely shocked.

"Well if what you're saying is true than, we need to find a way to get this to work in our favor, but we need to be careful. These people are powerful Demi God's, we need to use every precaution known to man." My father spoke.

"I honestly don't know what we can get out of this but the one thing we do know is that this boy Nathan is carrying our grandchild, your child and your future niece/nephew, and I for one am eager to see my future grandchild." My dad spoke, and judging from the look on my mom's face she was thinking the same thing.

Honestly I just wanted my kid, I had every right to see it. Who knows? Nathan and I could be one big happy family, and the more I thought about it the more I realized that Nathan should be mine, hell he's already pregnant with my kid he deserves a real man not some pathetic wimp like Axel. I smiled at the idea of making Nathan mine, and having complete control over him, dominating him in every way. Watch out Axel, I'm coming for Nathan and my child. I'm coming and I'm taking what's mine.

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