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I can't believe this, first I get knocked out by my own pathetic excuse for a son, and now I find out he's a Demi God.

My idiot husband has no idea what is really going on, he has no idea who and what I really am, and in all honesty I didn't know what he was either, if I knew he was a god descendant I would have been more cautious.

I was on the run when I met him, I figured I could use him to make myself a new identity, just like I've done before, find some single idiot, someone easy to manipulate create a new identity then once the heat died down get rid of him and start over.

Just like grandmother Morgana taught, yes you heard right, my grandmother is the famous dark witch Morgana le fey.

If it wasn't for that nuisance Merlin who imprisoned my grandmother in the dark realm, a realm created by the gods to specifically hold dark witches, then I wouldn't have had to go on the run for the past four centuries.

My mother was also imprisoned after she tried to sacrifice a dragon child to absorb it's power, Merlin had caught her before she could do anything unfortunately, if she had completed the ritual she would have destroyed that pathetic old goody goody.

He almost caught me, but I got away, I was safely hiding away and was about to initiate my plan until I found out I was pregnant.

Long story short, Logan found out and proposed, I was going to reject him but I sensed some good witches nearby and knew they would be looking for me so I said yes and we got married,

I gave birth to Nathan and I was stuck, when that little twerp came out to me I figured it would be nice to have a little fun so I cast an opposite reaction curse as well as an anger curse on him.

Whoever he tells he is gay to, then the curse will activate, if they would be originally accepting, the curse makes them have the opposite reaction, which would be a reaction of disgust and hatred, and the anger curse makes all those affected by it become so filled with rage and hatred that they attack whoever is the target of the curse.

All the people who were affected by the curse I was able to take control of fairly easily, every attack and every bad thing that's happened to Nathan was all my doing.

And the best part is they have no idea that I'm controlling their thoughts and emotions, my husband's pure hatred of Nathan, and all the things he's done to him proves that he would have been the most accepting and tolerant of him if I hadn't cursed him, the only drawback of the spell is my sense of hearing goes away once I take control, well control isn't the best word I just push my thoughts and emotions into them, all their actions are their own doing I just hitch a ride so to speak, I can see everything they see but I can't hear, I'm literally just a spectator.

Honestly it's been so much fun messing with these idiots, but it's also very scary knowing that my son has the powers of a god, plus the powers of a witch, this'll make him very dangerous to me.

Not only that, whatever Nathan did when he released the energy blast that knocked us all out, somehow blocked me from reaching that one boy and his sister.

I can no longer control them and every time I try to I get repelled, and on top of that Logan told me about this Demi God with memory erasing powers, normally magic like that wouldn't affect me but since a Demi used this magic it makes sense why even I would be under it's affects.

But my husband has told me of the agreement he's made to gain powers, he's such a fool.  I already knew about the agreement because I saw through his eyes when he made contact with Nathan, but I could tell he was not telling me everything, for some reason it was like his subconscious was secretly keeping something secret from me, now matter how much I try to push it won't budge,  there was a conversation he had with Nathan, I was reading the lips because I couldn't hear which is normal because I can only watch I can't listen when I look through their eyes,

But this time there were parts where I blacked out or more specifically his subconscious blocked certain parts from me, it must still think it's in control, it still thinks he's in charge, how pathetic.

Once the deal is made and the powers are granted to those fools I can siphon all the power they have and leave them as nothing more than useless drooling husk's.

I'm currently sitting in my jail cell smiling, plotting everything, soon I'll be so powerful that not even Nathan and his little demi god's, can stop me.


The next day I told everyone about what Ryan said about smelling dark magic on me, everyone was confused but Charlie was in the corner of the office thinking about something.

"Nathan do you know any of your parents family?" He asked me, I thought long and hard, then shook my head.

"I know my dad's parents died when I was ten, they were the only family he had, as for my mom she has no family." I replied,

"Do you have a picture of your mom by any chance?" He asked, I frowned but remembered that I still had one picture of them on my phone.

I went upstairs and grabbed my phone off the charger, then waddled down the stairs, by the time I reached the last step I was out of breath, being pregnant is really tiring.

"Here you go." I unlocked my phone and showed them the picture, once Charlie saw it he looked wide eyed, almost like he was scared of the picture.

"Charlie what's wrong?" Mr Rand asked, Charlie looked at me in fear. " Is this woman your mother?" He trembled. I shook my head yes.

"This explains why Ryan said that. This woman has been on the run from every good witch in the world for centuries, especially her grandmother's enemy Merlin.

That woman is the granddaughter of Morgana le fey the most evil and dangerous dark witch that's ever lived." Charlie explained, we all stared at him with eyes wide.

This meant that my mother was a centuries old dark witch and granddaughter of Morgana le fey the most evil dark witch in history, my family ties just became even more weird.

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