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LOGAN POV: I asked Tyson's father to a friendly sparring match, and he accepted, we both prepared and once we were ready we charged at each other fully, I raised my fist and so did he, the moment our fist's collided it was like a bomb went off, our combined energy was like a sonic boom, he was actually keeping up with me fairly well which was surprising considering that normally no one could keep up with me and match my strength we traded blow after blow, both of us getting good hits in and then once again our fists colided and created another sonic boom, after that we stopped our little sparring and shook hands,

"I'm extremely impressed! Normally only my brother and brother in law can keep up with me." Douglas said, "I know what you mean, not even my commanding officer could match my strength even when I was human." I said honestly, as we went our separate ways I used one of their guest rooms and showered, after that I changed into the spare clothes I brought with me, as I looked at the mirror I shouted in surprise, there standing before me was not my reflection but the image of my ex wife,

"Are you not happy to see your wife? That's mean Logan" She pouted, then smiled "Why cover up? I've seen it all anyway." She says, I quickly put my clothes on, "How the he'll are you even here the barrier should be keeping you out!" I hissed, "Well it keeps me from getting into the place but I can still peek in on certain places where the barrier is weakest, for some reason its stronger on the lower levels like the basement for some reason, you wouldn't happen to know why would you? Also I can't find our dear little son anywhere, you wouldn't happen to have seen him now would you?" She smirked towards me, "Its stronger on the lower levels because that's where the people who need protection most are and MY son is none of your concern!" I growled towards her in the mirror, "Oh how mean is that anyway to speak to the love of your life, the mother of your child?"

The moment she mentioned My son that's when I couldn't take it anymore, "How dare you claim to be his mother after the hell you put him through?! You used dark magic to take control of me and his friends and made us beat and abuse him for your own sick disgusting pleasure!! If you ever come near my cub and grand cubs you will feel the full brunt of a lions fury!!" I roared at her, she looked at me questionably and I realized why, she didn't know Nathan was pregnant, and I just blurted it out,

"Grand cubs what are you talking about?" She asked, just then the door opened and Nathan was the one who walked through the door, "Hey dad how is everything?" He asked then stopped and froze in his tracks at seeing Tiffany in the mirror, his hands immediately went to his stomach in a protective way, she saw this and followed his hands and looked at his stomach then looked at me as I got in front of Nathan in a protective way, she then smiled the most evil smile.

"So it looks like I'll be a grandmother, how sweet!" She said, "You come anywhere near my grand children and I'll tear you apart!" I growled, "We'll see about that, Logan until next time, tata." She chuckled as she disappeared from the mirror, after she left we went too Douglas's office and told them what happened, "So now she knows about Nathan and the child? This is bad, I'll reinforce the barrier on the surface as well as the bottom." Charlie said determined, "Until further notice Nathan and the other omegas of our pack should be sent to the claw moon pride for protection." Douglas said, "Why don't we just have everyone from your pack stay at the pride house?" I offered, the others thought it over and they nodded in agreement, pretty soon the pack members came to stay at the pride hose, this way we could ensure everyone is safe, especially now that Tiffany knows about Nathan, we had Charlie enforcing both barriers and Nathan and the other omegas of the pride and pack were not allowed to be outside without protection at all times, at least until Tiffany is caught.


I smirk thinking about what I've just discovered, so my son is pregnant? Interesting, if I can get my hands on the child and take its power I'd be unstoppable, I try to peek inside the barrier but then I see its stronger now, meaning its been reinforced, but I also can't sense any life on the pack lands meaning they've left, I growl in frustration, they can't hide forever and once I find them Nathan and the unborn child will be mine.

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