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Nathan POV:

No one spoke for some time, and honestly what was anyone going to say?

After everything that happened, we left Rex, Oren, and Terrance's room.

I was currently being nuzzled by Both Axel's panther and Tyson's wolf, I was sitting on the couch in the front room, with both of their heads on different sides of my lap.

"What is soulmates anyway?" Vicky asked, breaking the silence.

"Soulmates in the supernatural world means they're literally the other half of one's soul. My ancestor and other God's who have dominion over the supernatural creatures, when a supernatural is born they're only born with half of their soul.

The other half is placed in someone else, either human or supernatural, or in some rare cases one is born with half of two different souls making them the mate of two different people.

Which definitely seems to be the case here." Rex answered.

"So once they became supernatural creatures, half of their souls went to Nathan?" Vicky asked again.

"No, the way it works is that, you are born with your other halves soul in you. Meaning that Nathan was already born with the other half of Tyson and Axel's soul's.

When Tyson became a wolf, and Axel gained his animal's, their animal counterparts, were able to sense that Nathan was part of their human halves souls." Rex explained.

So the gist of it is that I was already born with the other halves of Axel and Tyson's souls, and they were born with parts of my soul in them.

"So now that that's explained, we need to go through the process of creating your pack, Mr Rand." Rex said to Tyson and Vicky's Dad.

"What steps do we need to go through exactly?" Mr Rand asked, "Well firstly I've already requested to the wolf council that a new pack be formed, I've filled out the paperwork and your pack mansion is already being built as we speak, the alpha, beta, Gamma, and Head warrior mansions are also being built, as well as the omega house." Rex explained.

"That'll take months to do though." Mrs Rand said as Mr Rand had her on his lap while his head was on her shoulder, nuzzling/scenting her, purring the whole entire time.

"Not really though, there are special crystals created by the god's called building crystals, you just plant it where you want the house to be, wait 20 seconds then Viola, it's done.

So really it'll only take a day at most, plus the council is sending your pack members to the pack house already, I requested the medium number of about 2200 members.

There'll be 1000 warrior's, male and female, 400 hunters male and female, 600 omegas, and 200 children male and female also.

You'll need to choose your own beta and gamma though, but besides that everything else is handled, except for your packs name." Rex told us.

"So what is a pack house, and why is their a house for just omegas?" I asked

"The pack house is literally just a place for pack members to live with their families, also because
omega's are weaker than other supernatural creatures, they tend to be very shy, and timid most times, they are only really comfortable around children, their mates, and other omega's.

So as a result of that, the council created omega houses, for them to feel more comfortable and so that they can have their own space."  After Rex explained everything, Tyson and his family started thinking of who their beta and gamma would be as well as pack names.

In the end Mr Rand asked for his middle and Younger brothers to be part of the pack.

Once he told them everything, they and their families agreed, so they were brought to the house with portals and introduced to everyone.

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