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TIFFANY POV: As I teleport to my mystic safe house in France, I quickly get to work on making a healing tonic, the pain in my hands is excruciating but I bear with it, until I finally make my tonic.

Once it's done I chug the entire thing and as soon as I drink the last drop of it my hands start glowing and I can feel it healing me, I have at least a dozen mystic safe houses, all of them mostly in Europe this is my first one, I haven't used it in decades but I need to lay low for a while,

I can't believe I was caught off guard like that, I don't know what happened but I'm sure that Charlie had something to do with it, he must have done the same thing he did when me, my mother and grandmother tried to steal his powers centuries ago, he poisoned the spirits they gave Logan and my other little pawns, and that stuff they had thrown up must have been remnants of my curse I used to control them. I can feel the curse being broken on the town we lived in, most likely Charlie's doing, I could see the anger and hatred in his eyes.

He wants revenge, I smirk at the idea, let him come, I'll show him what happens to those who cross the Le fay's.


I'm currently on my way to my new pride's land, where I'll be the alpha, after I was freed from that bitch I called a wife's control, I was told about everything she's made me do to my son for the past year and a half, I was disgusted and enraged, I spoke to my police buddies and they don't remember what they did, and my prison records and even the investigation of me was erased from history, I really am grateful to Charlie for doing that, my friends on the force are good cops, and if they remember what they did under my soon to be ex wife's control I don't think they would be able to take it.

When I saw my son pregnant with my grandchild I felt so much sorrow for what I did to him, but that sorrow was replaced by blinding fury, when I find Tiffany she will learn the meaning of pain and agony, my lion was growling in the back of my mind ready to tear her apart for messing with my cub Nathan.

Just the thought of her anywhere near my cub or grand cubs has me snarling in anger, one of the things that I learned is that Axel and Tyson are his mate's, I was skeptical at first but I warmed up to the idea, but that didn't stop me from threatening to tear them both limb from limb if they messed with my son.

One of the other things I found out was that Tyson and his sister still have their memories from being under Tiffany's control, just hearing her name leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, but anyway, I was curious as to why they still have their memories when no one else does, and Charlie explained that since they are both mate's to beings of the supernatural world, and as such have half of their souls in their bodies, they have a small bit of immunity to certain parts of the curse, and as such Tiffany was only able to control them partially, so they kept their memories.

Though after hearing what happened for the past year and a half I think they would like to forget as much as possible.

I look out the window and see the new pride house, it's beautiful and honestly I can sense all of my pride members, my lion is purring at the thought of greeting them all, my pride has already formed an alliance with Tyson's father's pack, and from what I've heard when Tyson becomes alpha Axel will be his beta.

My Beta will be Anders father and my gamma will be Tanya's father, both of their families were very excited to be able to become supernatural beings, my head warrior will be one of my cop buddies who was wanting to retire anyway.

Once I get out of the car my lion starts getting excited and I start sniffing and the most mouth watering scent hits my nose, fresh morning dew and chocolate, I look around and once I enter the pride house I see my friend Reese, with his brother Vaughn, the moment our eyes meet my lion screams mate over and over again in my head.

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