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Everything has been happening very fast, in the span of two weeks we've already moved into the pack house and my parents have been able to still keep their businesses up and running.

After filling out all the paperwork and getting the approval from the wolf council, who were so impressed with my dad's business talk that they're even considering him for membership, not to mention my sister finding her mate, a warrior from another pack whose family was at the council headquarters, and now he has left his pack to join ours.

What's more is the fact that werewolves are immortal, which is pretty freaking awesome, especially since I learned that Nathan and Axel are immortal as well, meaning we can be together forever.

Nathan is still nervous around me, but at least he doesn't flinch every time I move near him like he used to, which is a great improvement,

Especially since my wolf whimpered every time it happened, plus me and Axel are getting along better, mostly because Nathan forced us to.

He didn't like us arguing all the time and growling at each other, he threatened to stop talking to us if we didn't get along so we patched up and we're actually starting to become friends again.

My mom and Axel's mom have become best friends and so have our dad's, right now me, my dad, Axel, his dad, Axel's brother, and Ryan my sister's mate, are currently putting together the nursery for Nathan.

Nathan is about two months along but he looks like he's 6 months, Charlie said that because it's a supernatural pregnancy, it'll be shorter.

Instead of giving birth in nine months it'll be four to six months, which has me freaking out but still excited.

We asked if he wanted to know the genders but he said he wanted them to be a surprise, and in all honesty I do too,

I even told Nathan that if it's a girl she's not allowed to date until she's 24, he just laughed but I was serious.

He asked me what if they were a boy but an omega supernatural like him, and I said the same thing, then he asked if it was a dominant supernatural like me and Axel, but I was more lenient with that one.

I said they could date once they were 18 and he just gave me a blank look and shook his head, then went to the kitchen.

Honestly me and Axel are in hot water with him because he agreed with me, so now Nathan is in the kitchen of the pack house eating some kind of weird pregnancy craving food, with ice cream and avocado with pickles and Nutella and peanut butter.

I gag just thinking about it, while I finished putting the crib together and everyone else is painting the room.

Because Nathan wants the gender to be a surprise we're painting the room neutral colors, but just then we hear a crash, then a yelp from downstairs and rush to see what happened.

When we got there Nathan was talking with a couple of omega wolves who were about the same height as Nathan, which is about 5"6 and by the looks of it were pregnant and about as far along as Nathan,

"What's going on?" Me and Axel said at the same time,

"Oh sorry didn't mean to scare you, I was talking with some of your new pack member's, Liam and Kyle, they saw my food and the pregnancy craving hit them too so we decided to make a big ice cream sundae for us to share, but I accidentally dropped a glass...... sorry." Nathan said, and I rushed to him and looked at the broken glass on the ground.

"It's ok, I'll clean it up and you three can-" I didn't get to finish my sentence, because we heard a rumbling then two warriors came running up the stairs from what I thought was the basement, came bursting in and started looking around wide eyed.

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