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It seemed like everything went well, but just then Nathan's father spoke up,

"Now that we have our animal spirits and we're a pride now, we should....." Nathan's father tried to speak but something was wrong, just then he fell to the floor and was hunched over as if he was going to vomit, the others tried to rush to him but the same thing happened to them.

Pretty soon they were all puking out a black goop, I almost threw up watching it, Tiffany rushed to her husband's side, as he was throwing up. "What did you do?!" She shouted angrily, "We didn't do anything, this has never happened before." Rex said, but we all knew what this was, once their animal spirits fully settled they began purifying them and rejecting the dark magic that was in their system,

Actually this happened to me and my sister when we got our animal spirits, we were throwing up some black goop, which was the same stuff that was pulled out of us when the witch visited us, I guess there was still a bit left in we didn't know about, and when we asked Rex about it he said he had no idea what it was, but it wasn't as much as the amount their throwing up, because we weren't under the effects as strongly as they were.

About two minutes passed and it looked like it was finally over, "Honey are you all right?" Tiffany asked her husband, "Yeah I'm fine but where are we, what's going on, why are we in the forest?" He asked and suddenly all the others started acting weird as well like they were confused,

"Do you remember what day it is?" I asked,
Logan's father looked at me and nodded yes, "It's Saturday morning February 16 2016." We all looked at him weirdly, "It's actually July 10 2018." They all looked at us with full blown wide eyes.

"That's not possible, I was just talking to Nathan about him being gay and I was about to tell him I accepted him, how......?" Just then he started sniffing, "What is that smell?" He immediately plugged his nose, the others started sniffing and they smelled it also, scrunching their noses in disgust.

"I don't smell anything." Tiffany replied, I saw her eyes darken, meaning she was trying to use dark magic, possibly to try to take control of them or something, but she didn't know that the black goop they were throwing up was the dark magic she was using to control them. And now that they're free of control, their animal spirits will shield them from her taking control of them.

Nathan's father sniffed and came near his wife, then he took a small sniff, then stepped back in disgust, "Ugh it's coming from you, honey did you not shower or something?"  Logan asked his wife, just when she was about to reply, Logan's fathers eyes glowed red, then went back to normal. "What was that..? I just heard a voice in my head, saying dark magic over and over again." He replied, "I just heard the same thing." Price and the others started freaking out because they didn't know what the voices were.

"What you're smelling is dark magic, and what you're hearing is your animal spirits." My Dad replied, they all looked very freaked out. "Dark magic? Animal spirits?" Nathan's father Logan was very confused, "Wait but if I'm smelling dark magic, why am I smelling it on my wife?" He asked, "It's because of who she really is." A voice said, we all turned around and saw Charlie leaning against a tree, "You." Nathan's mother stated with a surprised look on her face. "Hello Tiffany, long time no see." Charlie replied.

"You were at the hospital that day, I should have recognized you but I didn't." Nathan's mother stated with anger.

"Well to be fair it has been some time since you last saw me, about a couple hundred years if memory serves. How's your grandmother and mother doing? Still imprisoned?" Charlie replied smugly, the moment he said that she flew into a blind rage and threw some kind of dark energy at him, but Charlie just flicked it upwards with just his finger.

The dark magic energy went straight into the sky and just exploded, "Tiffany, what's going on?" Nathan's father tried to make sense of what he just saw his wife do.

"Why don't you tell him Tiffany? Tell him how you have been controlling him for the past year and a half to abuse your own son?" Charlie replied, and Nathan's father looked shocked at what he heard, "Tiffany what's he talking about?" Logan asked, she looked at her husband and his new pride then smirked.

"Why tell when I can show you?" She replied coldly, in an instant she shot ropes of dark energy at her husband and the others, they were slowly draining some of the power from them, and giving it to her, they started to get weak and fell on their knees, it was hard to watch, we wanted to stop it, but just then something happened.

Nathan's mother stated screaming in pain and the dark ropes disappeared, she fell to the ground and her hands looked like they were burning, a bit.

"Quick get her before she gets away!" Charlie shouted, but just then even in her weakened state she released a black mist from her hands, which clouded our vision, when the mist cleared Nathan's mother was gone.

"No!" Charlie shouted, clearly frustrated, "She got away." Charlie said sounding defeated, My Dad replied, "We'll find her at a later time and when we do we'll deal with her, for now I think we need to help these people come to grips with what just happened." My Dad nodded his head towards Logan and the others, who were still on the ground trying to come to grips with what just happened.

We helped them all to the pack house and after they were examined by Charlie, then we went to my father's office and told them everything that's happened for the past year and a half.

To say that they were shocked and disgusted with what they did under Tiffany's control was an understatement, Nathan's father puked for five minutes after hearing how he sexually abused his own son and even had others do it and videotaped it.

And when we told him how he was going to be a grandfather he cried tears of Joy, we told him how Charlie fixed everything, once we found out that it was Nathan's mother who was behind everything, he and Marina had combined their powers to cast a spell over everyone in town who knew what Nathan's father and mother had done and erased every trace of it, I asked Charlie about the dangers he told us about earlier, but he said that while there is still a risk, once his power combined with Marina's magic the risk was minimized, plus he said it wasn't really memory erasing it was getting rid of everything that had taken effect due to the dark spell Tiffany cast, so all the memories of everyone and the evidence was all destroyed and their prison records and anything that was even remotely related to anything Nathan's father, mother and even Tanya and all the others did to Nathan or anyone else was erased and destroyed, every bad thing they've done for the past year and a half all gone, and not just them but everyone in town who even so much as looked at Nathan wrong, their memories were erased from history and from their mind's.

We then went to the council and got permission to help Nathan's father create his own pride, luckily there were some feline shifters who were looking for a pride to join so we helped them claim some land not too far from us, they even came up with their own pride name, Claw Moon Pride.

It took a few hours but while everything else was being finalized Logan desperately wanted to see his son. After we led everyone to the guest rooms, me and Axel took him to Nathan's room, he nervously opened the door, and there in a pair of pajamas, hair wet from the shower was his son, his lip started wobbling and when Nathan turned around and saw his dad, he shrunk back at first, but when he saw us behind him he knew that his dad had been returned to him.

Nathan started crying and came to give his father a hug but just then his dad slumped onto the ground and started sobbing.

"I'm so sorry!" He kept crying and crying, Nathan immediately got on the ground and hugged his father, his father embracing him in a strong yet gentle hug.

"It's okay Dad, it wasn't your fault, you had no control of your own body, literally. It was Mom who did this to us." Nathan told him, he looked at Nathan with teary eyes, then he caressed his son's check and Nathan leaned into his father's touch, as he replied.

"You're right son, and when I find her, she'll face the full brunt of a lion's fury. No one messes with a lion's cub or grand cubs!" He replied very angrily, when he got up and helped Nathan up we could see his lions alpha eyes were glowing.

Now Tiffany was not only on the run from us but a very very angry lion father, and soon to be grandfather.

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