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TYSON POV: Today we are meeting with Logan to go over a strategy for any attacks, especially where Tiffany is concerned, the two barriers that charlie and Nathan helped create plus the protective nature spells Axel and his sibling made are definitely going to be a gigantic help, plus we're training on our combat, my dad, uncle and my uncle in law are fierce fighters, I've never seen my dad fight but apparently my grandfather was a war veteran and he personally trained my dad and my uncle's when they were kids, plus my dad is a trained martial artist,

Something I had never known about nor heard about, I'm now seeing my dad fight off four highly trained werewolf warrior's, and he's not even breaking a sweat, it's seriously just mind blowing, plus they're in wolf form and he's in his human form.

I then see Axel coming over, my dad wanted to test his abilities against a Demi God's power,

"Are you ready Axel?" My dad asks as the warrior's leave to take a break, "Yep," Axel replies, honestly I think my dad might win but Axel isn't a werewolf, even though he's to become my Beta, he's a Demi God, but we'll see, just then Axel lift's his right hand to the side, then starts speaking, "Blade of the forest, I summon you." Green lights then started dancing around him, and just then axel's emerald blade staff appeared, it was floating in mid air, Axel then grabbed it and started spinning it around like some martial artist, I rolled my eyes, "show off". I thought to myself, he then got into position and immediately disappeared in a flash then my dad started looking around and then as if he knew it was coming, jumped to the left, and not two seconds later did axel's emerald blade come down full force right where my dad was standing.

The force of the blade made, a big indent on the ground, Axel looked for my dad but he had disappeared, then in a flash, my dad grabs Axel from behind and puts him in a chokehold, "not bad Axel but not good enough," my dad taunts, Axel had a smirk on his face, "You sure about that alpha?" Just then I noticed the vines coming off Axel, and that's when I realized that it wasn't Axel it was one of his forest clones, he can create coppies of himself made of vines and things like that, "Dad it's a Forest clone!" I yelled, my dad looked at me confused, I had forgotten that he hasn't seen the forest clone ability before.

Just then the clone turned into Vines and started wrapping around my dad, and no matter how much he tried to get them off they wrapped around him even more, until he was completely covered in Vines, his head was the one part of his body that wasn't covered, then the tree next to us started opening up and out came Axel, the real Axel, another power the Demi God's have is the power to hide in the elements they command,  for Axel he can hide in trees and things like that, he then came up to my dad, "Do you give up alpha? Not that you have much choice now." Axel said with a cocky smirk, my dad smiled and chuckled, "No I guess I don't, all right fine I give up." My dad surrendered, Axel waved his hands and the vines disappeared, I then helped my dad up, then out of nowhere, a scent hit my nose, I turn around and I see Nathan with his dad and some of the warriors of his pride.

"Hey what are you guys doing here?" I asked happily and went to hug Nathan, then shook his father's hand,. "well your father invited us to train with you all, if that's ok?" Logan asked, I nodded and everyone was then choosing a sparring partner, my dad and Logan began to spar with each, and let me tell you now, that this fight had to be seen to be believed, normally my uncle's would be the only people to last in a fight with my dad,  but this fight between two powerful alphas was nothing short of the fight of the century.

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