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As I sat in my prison cell I thought about my waste of space son, I remember everything that happened,

After Nathan had knocked everyone out,

I was coming too,  I looked and saw him unconscious, then I looked around and saw that everyone was still knocked out, I looked at Nathan just lying there

What the hell was he? How did he do that?

And just when I was about to get up, some kids and a doctor came barging into my house.

I pretended to still be knocked out, to see what was going on, next thing I know they're looking around and immediately run to my son and that Axel kid.

Suddenly, one of the girls pulls some strange crystal off her bracelet and throws it on the ground,

Then some weird portal appears, and some huge dude comes out of the portal, then they grab my son and that kid Axel, then leave through the portal but that doctor guy stayed behind.

The portal closed and the doctor started putting his hands on everyone, then some weird light came out, and that's when I realized that he was a freak just like Nathan.

When he moved to put his hands on me, his phone rang, which distracted him enough for me to move my head slightly.

I didn't know what was happening at first, but afterwards he got up and looked around, then a couple seconds later another portal appeared and those kids came back.

"Is it done?" The pink haired girl asked as the portal closed behind them.

"Yeah it's done, their memories are erased and new memories are implanted." The doctor replied.

"So out of curiosity, which bloodline does Nathan get the powers from? I mean which parent is related to the god Saturn?" The white haired guy asked,

I was confused but stayed still so I could listen to more.

"Well actually it's through his father's bloodline that he's related to Saturn. And since Nathan is the 1'000 descendant of the god of silence death and destruction, Saturn, he is the one who has inherited his power.

Unfortunately we have to be very careful, since Nathan's power has awakened that means any child born after him will have powers as well.

Not as strong as Nathan's power but powerful none the less." The doctor said to them.

That little bastard has the powers of a god?! I thought to myself, but honestly seeing what he did earlier it started to make sense.

So after they made sure that we were all properly unconscious, they called the police on us, but took Tyson and those kids away through a portal.

After they left, I got up just as my cop buddies came through the door.

Unfortunately they were with some guy from internal affairs, so they had to arrest me and my wife.

Turns out I was under investigation for some time, then they get an anonymous tip, they searched my house, and everything goes down hill from there.

They find the videos I secretly made, and then I get arrested for child abuse, labeled a sex offender, plus my so called friends turn on me.

Telling the court that I was the mastermind behind everything. They even told the court about the false rumors we spread about, Nathan.

All my cop buddies got lighter sentences, but me and my wife got 25 to life.

Now everyone knows everything, even the school got new teachers, because apparently they old one's were not fit to be educator's,

Because they were teaching that faggot, I'm ashamed to call my blood, a lesson.

The school, from what I've heard has placed a zero tolerance policy for bullying or some crap like that.

Now everyone thinks that Nathan ran away, so now I sit in my cell thinking everything over, that doctor guy said my son was the one thousandth descendant of Saturn.

That because of this, he received the powers of our ancestor, and the more I thought about it the angrier I got.

How come that little piss ant got the powers?! He doesn't deserve them!!

I need to know what happened to Nathan and figure out a way to get his powers for my own. He doesn't deserve to be the one with powers, those powers should be mine.

I thought about my beautiful wife, rotting away in her cell at the female prison, and I got even angrier.

Just then I hear a guard tapping on my cell bar's with his baton.

"King, you got a visitor, your court appointed lawyer."
The guard replied, I got up and went to the visitor center, I saw my lawyer and sat down.

"Well? What's going on?" I asked impatiently, my lawyer cleared his throat before speaking,

"I've got some good news and bad news.

Good news is I might be able to get your sentence reduced, the bad news is that you and your wife would be registered offenders, not allowed near any schools or children."

I weighed my options and honestly I didn't really care about the offender registry, I didn't want to be near kids anyway.

"That's fine with me, when can I get out?" I asked impatiently, I was starting to get irritated.

I'd been in this crap hole for almost a month and a half, I wanted to get out and get my hands on that freak I called a son, he has powers that are rightfully mine.

"It's going to take at least another month, but it's honestly the quickest I could do, but in a month you and your wife will be free people, but remember that you can't be near any schools or children.

Also your hometown knows the truth so you'll definitely need to move."

I gritted my teeth but nodded, I knew a place we could hide out, and once the heat died down, I'll find that little freak, and have my revenge.

I went back to my cell, sat on my bed and smirked.

You better watch yourself Nathan, because once I find you I'll take the powers that should be mine, even if I have to pry the powers from your corpse.

One more month and I'll have my wife, then I can take the steps towards my revenge.

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