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Tyson POV

As I put the final touches on the bed nest I made, my wolf has been hassling me to get one for Nathan and our pups, Nathan comes in and sees I've replaced our square bed with a round one instead, he raises a brow at me silently asking me why, I shrug at him and tell him, "My wolf was bugging me to get a round bed because he wants to make it into a nest area." He shakes his head at me and just accepts it, then Axel comes in with the kids and he looks at the bed then nods his head in approval, "Cool nest." He says, Nathan looks between us and shakes his head then goes to get our little ones from the stroller Axel wheeled in,

"At least tell me you bought a regular square crib for the kids as he wheels them to the nursery, I choke, then two seconds later I hear, "Tyson. Get in here now!" Axel looks at me with pity as we go to the nursery room, Nathan is looking at me as soon as I come in, then he points to the crib, "Really?" He asks, just then his father and Charlie along with both of their mates come in, "Hey every one, how're my little grand cubs?"

He asks then goes to the stroller and picks up Bryce and starts tickling his tummy, he lets out the most adorable little baby giggle, and Logan begins purring and scenting him, then my dad comes in and sees what Logan is doing and grabs Brandon and starts doing the same, I asked Charlie about it once and he said that it's instinctual, heck even my wolf is wanting to do the same thing, he growls a little in annoyance but he understands that they mean well,

Then Logan and my dad see the crib and they nod in understanding, "Why is everyone so accepting of this crib and the bed?!" Nathan asks dumbfounded, "Well in all honesty most beds in packs and pride's are often round because their animal halves recognize a nest instead of a bed, especially when their children are concerned, the only reason most of the beds have been square in the pack house is so you could be more comfortable, nests are often round and Tyson's wolf is more active so he wants to make a nest as his instincts are probably screaming at him to do so." Charlie says, which was true, my wolf half was howling up a storm and I honestly just wanted to shut him up,

"Fine well keep the stupid nest beds." Nathan huffed out, my wolf cheered, just then Nathan asked me something I had been wondering myself, "Just out of curiosity where did you get the crib anyway?" He asks as he put his hands on the edges of it, "That's the strange thing I didn't get it, it was delivered to us, someone brought it in and said it was a gift, and the weird thing is the delivery guy was human, I asked him who ordered it but he said he had no idea either just that it was from a family member of Nathan's?"

It was kind of odd too, the only family he has is Logan and his mother, and just then we all realized who it was from, I turned to see Nathan about to put his hands on the bedding, I tried to stop him, but it was too late, suddenly a black hole opened up in the crib and tried to suck Nathan in, I grabbed Nathan and just before it sucked him in I threw him towards his father and took his place, I fell backwards into the black hole and as it closes I hear Nathan shouting for me, I then black out.

"Well well well look what the wolf dragged in." I hear and I groan in pain and try to come to my senses, I try to move but can't, I finally am able to see and I notice that I'm chained to a wall, "I was hoping to get my hands on the child but you'll do for a great ransom." A voice I recognize as Tiffany, Nathan's mother, "Let me out of these cuffs and I'll show you what a ransom can do." I growl and let my eyes glow, I try to break the chains but I can't they must be enchanted, just then Tiffany laughs maniacally, "Sorry wolf pup but those chains are impossible to break, but don't worry I've no interest in you I want your child's magic. Magic that hasn't been poisoned or tampered with." She says and I laughed at her,

"You still don't get it do you? Charlie and the others didn't taint the magic you tried to steal, the reason you couldn't take their power was because light magic is poison to dark witches." I say and immediately she slaps me, "Don't lie to me child! I know that charlie tainted that magic, but now that I have you I'll make sure he doesn't interfere and once I have that child's power I'll be unstoppable." She's gone completely crazy, I just hope Nathan and the others can stop her endgame before it's too late.



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