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CHARLIE POV: I was helping Nathan's father Logan set up a hospital wing in his pride house, some of the pride members have experience as doctors and nurses so it will be an easy situation to get the hospital up and running.

Me and Logan are walking around the hospital wing and checking to make sure construction is going as smoothly as possible, they say it will take no more than Two weeks to finish everything, which is great news.

"I really appreciate you doing this, once our hospital is up and running things will be running more smoothly, especially when it comes to Nathan and any of the other pregnant members of the pride, whether they're female or omega." Nathan's father Logan said,

"It's not a problem, besides it'll be very helpful for Nathan, he says he wants to stay here for a while to reconnect with you and get the chance to meet your mate." I said and smirked at him, once I looked up and saw his smile at the mention of his mate.

"Plus, now that Tiffany knows where the pack house is having Nathan stay here is probably for the best. Even though we have a barrier put in place around the pack territory as well as here, we want to be extra careful, also Tyson and his father wanted me to run an idea by you about creating a teleport to connect the underground pack safe house with the underground pride safe house, this way if we need to evacuate we can come here." I reasoned,

Logan was pondering and let out a hmmm, then he smiled and that's when I knew he would agree, "Honestly it seems like a great idea, but what happens if we're attacked at the same time?" He asked, "I've already thought of that, and if that happens the teleport will automatically sense it and transfer you and your pride to the next location which would be the God house where me and the other Demi God's live. The same thing will happen to Douglas and his pack, but with the barriers in place it would be next to impossible for anyone to get through that wishes harm, still it's nice to have this as a backup." I reasoned, in truth I did this for Nathan's sake, I care for the pack and the pride members, but if anything happens to Nathan, his ancestor Saturn would unleash a fury like no other.

He visited me in a dream last night, thanks to Morpheus the god of dreams, he basically stated that if anything happens to Nathan then he will hold me personally responsible, plus he will come down to earth himself to punish those responsible for causing more harm to his descendant.

Now you're probably wondering why he didn't come down all the other times Nathan was in danger, and that's because Nathan was still human, he hadn't awakened yet so he was still vulnerable, and because of the laws the gods had put in place, they are forbidden from intervening in human affairs, so  Saturn couldn't intervene, and from what I was told it took Zeus and his two brothers to hold him back from going to earth all the times Nathan was abused and mistreated because of his mother Tiffany.

We have just put the finishing touches on the hospital, when suddenly I sensed something, it was a nice warm feeling then suddenly, I looked behind me and was met with the glowing eyes of Logan's Head warrior, and in that instance I sensed it, what was missing in my life, the love I wanted to share with someone.

In that instance I knew I found my soulmate, and from his eyes I knew his animal spirit was in full control, in no time at all, he went from being all the way down the hall to being right in front of me.

"Hello my mate my name is Quaren, my humans name is Reese. What is your name my beautiful mate?" His animal spirit said, I shivered at the deep voice, "I'm Charlie Smith." I responded meekly, suddenly I heard someone clearing their throat, I looked behind me to see Logan smirking behind us, and his mate, aka my mates brother, behind him giggling.

"Quaren why don't you two get better aquatinted? Charlie has finished helping with the hospital for the pride and you two need to get to know each other." Logan said with a shit eating grin, in second's I was picked up and rushed to his room, and let's just say we did some less than innocent stuff, today was a good day for me.

Tiffany's POV:

I tried to spy on my son, and Charlie and their little wolf pack, but I couldn't, which means they have a barrier around the pack land's, normally I could get through the barrier easily, but this barrier was made by god magic, it would take me two centuries to even leave a tiny crack in it, but I did see my husband and his little pride, but unfortunately they have a barrier around them too. But not to worry, I'll get them soon, patience is a virtue, and I've waited centuries for this type of moment, just one ounce of their powers and I can free my mother and grandmother from that awful prison, I smirk at the thought of when I finally succeed and together we bring this world to it's knee's and no one will be able to stop us.

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