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As we all sat in the alpha mansion we thought about what to do and what my mom's end goal was.

"I've contacted Marina, she's the descendant of Hecate the greek goddess of witches and her fiance Alana the descendant of Dionysus god of wine and fertility." As soon as Charlie finished speaking a light purpleish portal appeared and two women walked out of the portal.

"Marina, Alana good to see you again." Charlie went over to hug them. "Charlie, I haven't seen you in months, it's great to see you!" A woman who I now knew was either Marina or Alana spoke, she had red natural hair and fair skin.

"This must be the one you told me about. Judging from the power he's giving off he definitely has witch blood in his veins." I turned around and saw behind me the other girl. She had light brown long wavy hair, she looked like one of the popular innocent girl types but I could sense that she was powerful,

And judging from me being lightly moved between two growling overprotective idiots, my two mate's agreed.

"Whoa there boys, I come in peace." The brunette spoke, just then Charlie got in front of her and tried to help me calm them down.

"Tyson, Axel there's no reason to be hostile, Marina is no threat to Nathan or the children." Charlie explained,

"Children?" Marina raised a brow, then looked down at my stomach and made an Oh mouth. "Axel, Tyson stop that, she's not a threat." I snapped annoyed, these hormones are really getting the best of me.

They both instantly stopped and started pouting then came up and nuzzled me, I squirmed to get away but couldn't, much to my annoyance and everyone else's amusement.

"Seriously will you two focus for a second? We have big issues here." Maria spoke up, Axel and Tyson finally released me.

"Thank you Maria." I said as I decided to sit down on the couch,  "Marina I called you here because I wanted you to check Nathan and the others to see if they have any dark magic residue on them, and if so identify what kind of dark magic was used on them." Charlie explained,

"Yeah no problem, I can check right now." She said, then she told me and the others to form a large circle which we did, then she got into the middle of the room, closed her eyes, and suddenly she began chanting, and as she was doing this her hands were glowing and after she finished chanting she opened her eyes were glowing a light green.

She put her hands in a ball form, and a ball of pure energy formed around her hands, then she stuck her foot out and swept it behind her,

Then turned around the room in a circle, and as she did this, at first nothing was happening, but when she got to me, Tyson and Vicky, some kind of black goop flowed out of us,

And into the ball, she then proceeded to say something in a strange language and some kind of floating bird bath appeared.

Marina walked towards the bird bath and dumped the contents of black goop into it.

"Well you were right Charlie, they were under the effects of a curse, and by the looks of it a powerful one. Who'd you say was the one who cursed them?

Marina spoke as she was looking at the contents in the bird bath,

"I believe it is Morgana le fey's granddaughter, Tiffany who is also Nathan's mother."  Charlie pointed towards me, she and her fiance looked at me wide eyed, I blushed at the attention.

She then looked back to the bird bath and then placed her hand above it then waved her hand and the black goop started glowing and turned into what looked like pure water.

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