Chapter Twelve: Deal With The Devil

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Hope's POV:

Last night felt like a dream. I almost believed it was until I opened my eyes and my favorite blue eyes were staring back at me. I smiled which caused her to do the same. "Goodmorning love." I said. She smiled and kissed me which I gladly accepted. "Goodmorning baby. You ok?" She asked softly. Her morning voice does wonderful things to me this early in the morning. "Yeah I'm ok. Wanna know what would make me even more ok?" I asked while gently licking and biting my lip. She instantly understood what I meant and bit her lip. "What could I possibly do to make my lover even more ok this beautiful morning?" She asked very seductively. I sat up on my elbows and gently whispered in her ear, "You, on top of me, making out." I instantly felt her shiver at my words and to make it even more fun I started kissing her neck. That seemed to do the trick because in a second, she was on top of me. There was no wasted time as she connected our lips. We made out until we needed air. She pulled back and looked me dead in my eyes, the look of the devil was shining through and it excited me in ways I don't think she understands. 

She kissed from my lips down my jawline to my neck where she immediately found my pulse point and sucked. I moaned and that seemed to further drive her as she started to kiss down my body. Right as she was done marking my stomach, someone barged in. I sat up on my elbows again and looked at who it was. Josie. Lizzie rolled off of me with annoyance and looked to see who it was. The moment they looked at each other, you could see the fight that was about to happen if I didn't see anything. "Yes Jo. How can we help you?" I asked politely even though I was just annoyed as Lizzie was. She smiled at me and that pissed Lizzie off more so I started rubbing her thigh to remind her that we still have time to do whatever we want. "I want to hang out today. All three of us. Also our dad wants to see you Hope. He won't tell me what it is that he wants but he seems really nervous about something." Josie said. I looked between the two and they both shrugged which was no help to me. "Yeah, we can do that Jo. Let me and Liz get dressed and let me talk to your dad then we can take my car to the mall. Sound good?" I asked the both of them and they nodded. 

After Josie left, me and Lizzie finished what we started and got ready. I walked her to the dining hall where Jo said she would wait for her. I kissed Lizzie bye and told them I wouldn't be long. I made my way to Dr. S's office where he was pacing back and forth so whatever it was that he needed to talk to me about wasn't good. "You needed me?" I asked to get his attention. He nodded his head yes and motioned for me to close the door behind me. "We have a massive problem Hope. Clarke isn't dead. A few students that went out last night said they seen him and that he's looking for you. He can't find you Hope. He can kill you. He's immortal now." He said as he started pacing again. My blood was boiling and I could feel my temper getting the best of me. "I will not hide like you're asking me to. If he wants, he can have me. You are forgetting a very key point to all of this, I am immortal. I was born this way and I will never die. Even if I was to die, it will not be by him. I have a lot more to fight for now. If a fight is what he's looking for, he just bought himself one. I have to go now but I will be back in a few hours. Don't worry about the girls. I can handle this. Trust me on this ok?" I said and he nodded before going back to researching whatever it was before I came in. I needed to blow off some steam or I was going to surge my powers. 

I made my way through the halls and everyone seemed to hit me as I passed by. "If one more of you touch me or hit me, I will rip your fucking heads off and send it to your next of kin! Get out of my way!" I yelled out and caused everyone to stop moving. My voice shook the halls and I know most of the campus heard me. Silence fell throughout the school as I made my wall to the gym. I was going to have a power surge soon. Once the gym appeared, I ripped the doors open and everyone inside stopped what they were doing. All eyes were on me. "You all have 3 seconds to clear this room before I have a power surge so for your own safety, go! Now!" I yelled as calmly as I could and everyone took off. My breathing became heavy as my emotions took control of my powers. I closed my eyes and it happened. I surged and it felt amazing. I know that made a huge mess that I would have to clean up later. 

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