Chapter Seventeen: Freak Show

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Hope's POV:

Well, I would say it's safe to say that Alaric might not want to come to our wedding if I can make it that long. Alaric meant every word he said and I didn't hear him say it. He really believes that I'm going to ruin Lizzie that I'm starting to think more and more about it. She did die twice because of me but the only one who knows about the first time was Jo and I'm guessing she never told him because that would only add to the fire he had burning for me. Lizzie had gotten up after the call and said she was going to talk to Bex about training her some today. I told her ok and that I was probably going to work out myself. They had decided to train in the middle of the compound. I could hear them going back and forth but I knew Bex wouldn't hurt her on purpose plus I know Lizzie can handle herself. 

I had gotten through the push up's, sit up's, and pull up's so now I was working on my boxing. We had very heavy bags here seeing as I destroy all of the light bags and Freya got tired of buying new ones every week. I was almost done when I felt someone's presence. I smelled for a scent and realized it was Caroline. "What brings you all the way down here?" I asked her while grabbing a water from the cooler we keep in here. I handed her one too which she took with a smile. "I came here to see Lizzie but I seen when I came in that she's doing just fine. Rebekah has gotten a bit rusty. We fought so many times and now seeing Lizzie training with her, it just reminds me of when I was 17 and I had no idea what I was doing. Seems like you and my daughters have it figured out.." She said trailing off. I could tell there was more so I offered her a seat on the bench near by. She took the offer and we sat together. "What really brought you here car?" I asked gently. "He's going to kill you Hope. He has no idea where you guys are but Jo told me. She refuses to help him. She believes in you Hope. We all do. I just can't convince him that he will be making the biggest mistake. I'm just worried one of you will not come out the other side of this." She said with tears forming in her eyes. I gently grabbed her hand and squeezed it softly. 

"I will not harm or kill him. If my fate is meant to be Alaric Saltzman driving a red oak stake through my heart than I can't outrun that. I know eventually Lizzie will have to return and if Alaric comes after me, I won't stop him. I love Lizzie too much to take him away from her, from Josie, from the kids at the school and from you Car. I won't fight him." I told her honestly. She nodded her head as the tears fell. "Lizzie will never recover and neither will Josie. Your friends will never trust him again and I will have to take them with me to Paris. I've seen how you look at her and how you treat her. You are the first person I have ever met to calm the storm that is my daughters. You are their lighthouse, Hope. You're everyone's last hope. I won't let him do this to you even if that means I have to.." She began to say but stopped when I rubbed the back of her hand. "No. I can't let you do that either. If it has to be me or him then let it be me." I said and she went silent. She cried into my chest as I tried my hardest to calm her. 

After our moment, Caroline went and talk with Lizzie and I went to the kitchen. I grabbed an apple out of the drawer in the fridge before going to the island and sat down. My thoughts were racing with possibilities. I can't kill Alaric and I can't let anyone else kill him either. I can't fight him and I can't hide forever. I can't leave Lizzie alone and I will not be the one to break her heart. I can't let Josie fight this for me either. I knew that it had to be me. There was no other option. I know Lizzie will try to find a way to stop this but I just don't see any other way out. This is the inevitable. This will be the end. My thoughts were cut short by Bekah and Freya sitting on their side of me. I could feel them staring holes into both sides of my head. "How can I help you two?" I asked, not really in the mood for them to be picking on me. "What's going on little one?" Freya asked. I looked at her then at Bex before I knew they knew something was wrong. I sighed before rubbing my face. 

"Alaric has got the red oak stake..." I told them quietly. They seemed confused on why this was an issue. I think they forgot that he literally hates me for what I've done. He hates me almost as much as he hated my father. "Ok? Why is that bothering you?" Bex asked. "Josie called Lizzie this morning and told us that he plans on killing me.. He wants me gone.." I said softly as I could feel it all hit me like bricks. The one man in my life that never gave up on me now wants me dead. I could feel the anger coming off the both of them. "Before either of you get any ideas, you will not get involved. I'm giving it a week then I'm taking Lizzie back to Josie and I'm going to let Alaric do what he has to do. He hated my father and now he hates me the same. He never did let go of what he has done so I guess it's time to pay for all the sins none of you ever did. I guess that's what happens when the ultimate evil creates an even more dangerous offspring. It was fun while it lasted.." I said before standing up and walking away. 

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