Taylor insisted on driving again today because she thinks I'm ill, "Aren't you seeing your girlfriend today?", I asked , I prayed she didn't notice my change of tone.
"Yeah I will , later today", she replied, means she didn't notice it, "Okay", I said.
We were going to have brunch at my favorite restaurant then I have to get my toiletries at the store then head home after.
"Why are you asking?", she asked, her eyes focused on the road, she was tucking her lip ring in between her teeth which was hot but I didn't say it , I just observed not too much she'd think I'm weird.
"No reason, just heard you talking to her earlier", I said and she nodded, "So how are you guys?"
She smiled, "We are good, very good, I've never been this happy, she makes me happy", she tells me and I smile , happy that she's happy, but my heart sank because she's not me, but as long as she's happy.
"I'm so happy for you!, you deserve to happy right now it's been forever", I tell her, "yeah thank you!", she replies.
"Don't give me those eyes", I furrow my brows in confusion, "what eyes?"
"Those high eyes, those ones that want to tell me something but instead hold back", she said , I was surprised how she knew that.
Why was I surprised anyway because she knew me better than l knew myself, "it's okay if you don't wanna say anything we've arrived , let's go", she gently tells me and I nod.
She smoothly takes my hand in hers , it took me a while to see it, she does all these sentimental things subconsciously making me feel things when I'm trying to get over my obsession of her or crush I don't know what to call it but whatever it is.
She gives me forehead kisses, flirts with me whenever, cuddles with me whenever, holds my hand whenever I really don't have a problem with that besties hold hands all the time , she'd attempt to make out with me when she's drunk and high , but that was when she was single, she'd treat me as hers well l guess she still does a little bit , she'd fight any guy that would try to talk to me or even look at me, she does all these things and expects me not to fall, when I actually like her.
Knowing how I fast I fall , it's already a bad combination on it's own, but I will get over it , I mentally promised myself.
Whenever we go somewhere, anywhere like this people would mistake us as a couple , "Table for two", she requested as we stepped into the entrance, "My two favorite people", A 20 year old woman greets us and leads us to the where we will sit, "Hey Annie how are you?", I asked smiling.
"I'm good , very good , how are you both I haven't seen you guys for a week", she replied.
"We are good Annie , you look good, it's school we never got much time to come here but we are here now", Tay replied to Annie.
Annie blushed at Tay's comment, "Way thank you, you look amazing too, oh I understand I'll send a waiter to you guys, enjoy!", Annie says leaving us together.
I laughed, "She likes you omg", I told her, Tay smirked, "I've noticed, who wouldn't ? Have you seen me?, I'm joking but really who wouldn't?"
She's right , who wouldn't want you, of course I've seen you but you can't see me when I'm right in front of you , you still won't see me.
I rolled my eyes , letting out a small smile, "I'm starving and I don't know what to eat, I'll just have a drink", I said.
Taylor looked at me like I was crazy, "What?", I asked.
"You are eating real food, I'll choose for you if you don't know what to eat", I just went along with it, because arguing about this won't take us anywhere because she'll win this anyway.
"Okay", I simply agreed, she seemed surprised that I didn't argue with her about this because I always do I guess she realized that it won't help.
Our food arrived 20 minutes later , we spoke about random things before the food came and I laughed hard when she spoke because she's hilarious.
"Thank you",I said while the waitress placed our food on the table , "Do you guys need anything else?", she asked, "No thank you", Tay replied, "Alright enjoy", with that the waitress left us alone.
"This is so good", I softly moaned out , she looked at me and laughed, "I told you", she replied.
This has to be the best pasta I've ever eaten.
When we finished eating, we still argued on who is paying the bill, I suggested splitting the bill , Tay never agreed on that, so I let her pay , she's always been this stubborn, "Gosh you're so stubborn", I tell her rolling my eyes.
"You still love me anyway", she says.
Of course I do, more than ever.
"Whatever", I replied.
We left the restaurant and headed to a store close by where I get my stuff, took everything I needed, while Tay was following behind me, you know when you take your husband to escort you to buy women stuff, how they act and follow you around like lost puppies that's exactly what she was doing, but she never rushed me to finish, she was patient.
I payed for everything I got and we left the store to the car, "Let's go I'm sure you're exhausted and you have somewhere to be", I told her.
"Yeah I'm not really tired, I like spending time with you", she replied and I smiled, "Me too Tay", she drove off to my house.
We arrived at my house after 30 minutes, "I guess you have to leave now?", I asked.
"Yep, I'll see you on Monday since today is Saturday?", I nodded.
"Yeah on Monday", I smiled, "Go before it's late, here is your bag", I gave it to her and she took her bag and hugged me goodbye, "Take care of yourself, don't drink any pills call me if you want to talk yeah?", she told me and I nodded, "yes", I replied.
"Don't miss me too much", she said, closing the door.
Easier said than done.