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I know what she is feeling, I know it so well, the worst feeling ever, l am happy she opened up to me, I didn't know she went through that, it hurt that she did, but she is strong, she was handling this better than l did.

I've never met her sister before but I've seen a picture of her on Tay's lock screen, she is beautiful she definitely looked like Tay you'd think they were twins , Tay is 19 and her sister was 18 , you could tell they were close until her sister found a boyfriend.

Tay was fit, nobody fought her because they knew she would beat them to a pulp , "So you are planning on fighting this man? From what you told me he's dangerous", Her eyes never met mine, she was staring at the ceiling.

"I don't care, I'm doing it for her", she told me with no emotion.

I never knew this side of Tay, it was cold and dangerous but I didn't care.

Everyone has a story to tell, everyone is the way they are because of something, people have traumas , some people are broken and some are healing, some are going through storms but those storms don't stop, some went through some shitty stuff and are the happiest people on the outside but they are dying inside, bit by bit, they are slowly but surely losing themselves.

Then one day someone decides to come in your life and make it better, give you hope that you will be okay and that it's not forever, that's what Tay did for me and I want to do the same for her only if she'd let me.

I had to leave for work, "Do you want to stay till l come back? I'll be back in 3 hours is that okay? I'll call you", I told her.

She stood up from the couch, "I'll go with you", she told me.

"Are you sure? You don't have to", I replied.

"No I do, I'm okay Monét don't worry I'm not sick", she simply said.

"Uhm okay lets go then", I said , taking my phone from the desk and l realized my car keys weren't where I placed them, then realized Tay must have them.

Tay was already outside, I don't know why she never let me drive when she's around, it's like I'll crash into a wall or a tree.

I gave her the location to where I was heading, when we arrived we noticed the family was wealthy by the looks of this big house, the lady saw me get out of the car, "Monét, how are you? We are running late, the kids are inside waiting for you", she told me smiling.

I smiled at her, "I'm great, I hope you don't mind my friend is escorting me", she smiled at her.

"Oh no , I don't have a problem", she said.

"Honey let's go! We are late already", she screamed at her husband, "I'm here", her husband replied and smiled when he saw me.

"You guys have fun", I said.

"Thank you, take care", The lady replied and they drove in an expensive car.

"They are loaded", Tay said looking around, "They sure are", I replied as we entered the house.

The little girl practically fall on top of me, "Hey pretty girl!", I laughed.

I tried getting up so that I don't knock both of us down again.

"What's your name princess", Tay kneeled in front of her, "Jane", she softly replied, she was shy around Tay, and I don't blame her, Tay makes everyone shy around her.

"Well Jane have you eaten? Where is your brother?", I asked her.

"Jaden is watching sponge bob , we ate already", she said.

" Jaden doesn't seem to like people very much", Tay said, "I've noticed it, he doesn't like me at all"

Tay let out a small smile, " l guess that's how he is", I nodded.


We played with kids , told them stories and gave them fruits, later they fell asleep, they were the sweetest, they didn't give me a problem.

Their parents arrived after they fell asleep, they paid me and we left, I had to drop Tay home, we both had school the next day considering the fact that we skipped today.

I really didn't want to go but I was tired of mom screaming at me for missing school.

I locked the door and went to my room, my safe heaven, smoked before I went to bed.

Tay felt like an overdue task that circles high overhead during the day but then pecks at the back of my mind while I try to sleep.

I was holding on to the looming and shapeless future I imagined her and l in, but I didn't care.


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