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I rolled my eyes while doing my hair in the mirror, "Stop being impatient I'm coming geez", I told her her impatient ass.

Taylor always whines and complained when I have to get ready it's not like I take the whole day getting ready.


Okay maybe I take a little long but it's not too much, "You've been in there for 4 hours already", I rolled my eyes againnnn.

"No it's been only 2 hours and I'm done now stop complaining", I told her while I put everything that I used away.

I got out of the bathroom, Taylor stared at me not looking away, "Stop staring at me", I told her and smiling a little bit while I grabbed my shoes, I turned around and she was still staring at me , "You still staring at me"

"Is there a problem?", she asked , "No but no never mind", I said and she smirked.

"You're beautiful", I smiled, "So are you", she shaked her head no, "No not me but you are the most beautiful, I could look at you all day", I blushed but I hated that she didn't see how beautiful she is.

I sat on her lap and cupped her gorgeous face, "Stop doing that, you are effortlessly beautiful and I want you to start acknowledging that , I'll keep reminding you every single day how beautiful you are okay?", I told her she pecked my lips, "Thank you love", I smiled at her.

I wore a baggy sweatshirt with a cute short skirt, and white Nike's, while Taylor wore a black T-shirt and black sweatpants, all she ever wears is black, I mentally rolled my eyes, I am completely obsessed with her eyes.

Her fingers obviously had rings, her neck had one necklace, gosh that lip ring is going to be the end of me.

She wore a beanie too, that completely melted my heart and I could marry her right now, I have a weakness for girls who wear beanies, she is wearing one, It's so hot.

"Let's go", I took her hand in mine.


"You did this? When ? How?", my hand was placed on my chest as I admired the scenery in front of me, there were flowers everywhere all kinds, a blanket was neatly placed on the green grass, there were pineapples, strawberries, there were sandwiches too, a bottle of sparkling wine, aside the blanket was paint and two boards along with painting brushes, "Aww baby this is so beautiful", she smiled at me.

"Well I didn't actually like really do this on my own but everything was my idea, I got a little help", I kissed her to shut her up.

"Thank you still, you are so sweet, such a romantic", I said and she smirked pulling me to sit.

"Well only for you babe only for you", I scrunched my nose, "So cheesy"

"You're so adorable", she complimented, her eyes found mine and we stayed like that I don't know for how long exactly.

"I've realized how you smile more, you don't talk about taking any more pills, and you are rolling a blunt less, I'm so proud of you baby", she told me.

"And you wanna know why?", I asked, she raised her brow in question, "You, it's all because of you, I don't know what it is that you have done to me but I forget about everything else when I'm with you , you are my only sunshine, you make me so happy and safe", I admitted.

She gave me a small smile, "I'm gangster don't make me cry", she told me wiping a tear and I laughed, "Sorry babe", I smiled.

Have you met someone that made you feel content, like that soft and cozy blanket that keeps you warm , the one that you wouldn't let anyone else have because it's only yours and you hold on to it for dear life because you know that if you lose it you are lost too, that's how she makes me feel and I don't want anyone else but her.

I'm scared so scared by how much I love her , how is it even possible for someone to make you feel weak in the knees, when they look at you , everything in you just melts by just the simplest things, love is strange.

But I love love , I love that l love her and l love that she loves me too.

I don't want to be hurt again, I want us to last and grow together, I watched her as she held the board close to her chest , she didn't want me to see what she was painting , "Let me see", I asked for the 500th time, "Nope", she replied popping the p.

"Ugh Fine, you're soooooo boringgg", I said, I finished my painting a long time ago , I guess maybe because I was terrible at this but I think this is the best I've ever painted in my entire life, "And tadaaa", she flipped the board around for me to see, "NO WAY!", she painted my face, and it's so perfect, every single detail of my face is clearly outlined.

"No way you did that in such little time", she smirked, "I'm the best baby, and it was just a sketch", what?! a sketch!

"Girl stop playing with me", She smiled, "Look at my painting l flipped my painting so she could see, "That's a beautiful butterfly baby"

I narrowed my eyes at her, "You're just saying that", I told her playfully, "No really, it's the best , this butterfly is gorgeous and I want to keep it", l smiled.

"I haven't forgotten about that painting that I had to sit hours and hours for?"

"I know baby, I've finished with it, and we'll go see it okay for now come here", I smiled.

My head on her chest as we watched the sunset, it was crazy how fast time flew every time we were together, her fingers massaging my head and I held her close to me, I kissed her lips.

I never want to leave her.



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