"How do you find these beautiful spots?", I asked Tay while we drove back home.
"My sister and l would take road trips and find places like these, it was our favorite thing to do", she replied , I gave her a sad smile.
"Thank you for sharing it with me, it means so much to me", I genuinely thanked her and she nodded.
It was Tuesday meaning I'll get to see my brother , I'm happy to see him, Tay parked close to my house , we got in and Dominic turned his head at my direction, "What's up player, I missed you", I hugged him and he hugged me back then we started wrestling, honestly it was funny.
"Missed you too gummy bear", he put me down and half smiled when he saw Tay, I rolled my eyes at that.
These never liked each other, ever, I had to beg them to at least tolerate each other, they did a little, but they were getting there , I hope.
"What are you looking at dickface", Tay asked him while she crossed her arms and rested them on her chest.
"I'm not looking at you", Dominic rolled his eyes which made me laugh harder.
"Okay you two stop", they kept quiet.
They acted like toddlers who were fighting for toys.
"I'm sick of you two, can't you be friends at least?", I looked between them and they stared at me like I was an idiot.
"Friends? That's a bit too much", Dominic replied and Tay nodded, "He's right it's too much", I placed my hands on my waist and sighed.
"This is the first time you guys ever agreed on the same thing", I said.
They looked at each other then at me, "I hate you", they said in unison, I couldn't help but laugh at them, "I love you guys too, I'm going to bathroom when I come back I hope the both of you would be bestfriends in the whole wide world", I told him racing upstairs.
When I got to my room , I threw my phone on the bed before I went to the bathroom, I needed to pee so bad, after I did I washed my hands, I wanted to have a smoke.
Huff and puff, again and again, I was in my world, I was content, and carefree.
"Hey , how have you been, wanna talk", My brother asked leaning on my door.
"Where is Tay?", I asked knowing she'd definitely come up with him, she wouldn't stay down alone.
"She left, she said she had somewhere to be and she told me to tell you that she'll call you", he replied and I nodded.
I was sitting on the edge of my bed smoking, Dom laid on my carpet next to me, he always did that, he said sitting or sleeping on the floor was nice , I joined him.
"Dude is it possible to love someone this much?, like you know you won't survive without their love", putting the joint between my lips, I don't think I was addicted to the weed it just gives the dopamine that I needed, I could live without it if she was with me.
"I ain't never been in love you know, been fucking around with girls , but I think you actually can, do you love Tay as much?", I mean duh of course I did, still do.
"It kind of pisses me off how much I do, it's strange but I do love her as much and I know it'll hurt , it'll hurt when she won't love me back the same, she's simply going to be my downfall", I was trying so hard to run away.
"Then tell her, tell her and get over it, you can never know what will happen, what if she actually likes you back?", he replied that was my problem I didn't want to risk my heart getting broken again.
"What if she doesn't? Dominic what if she doesn't? What do I do?", I wanted to cry but I forced myself not to.
He gave me a sympathetic look, "Then you heal , give yourself time, you can never force anyone to love you, you also didn't plan on falling as hard as you are, it's just how it is", he wasn't wrong, it hurt because he is right.
"But I love you and you'll find someone to love much more than you do, someone you weren't expecting to give you love, the love you give will be the love you receive, I don't want you to feel alone , I'm here for you, even though our family is broken and mom is never here at least we have each other right?", he told giving me a side hug which I returned.
He is right, I have him, forever, "Yeah", I simply replied, "Go rest, I'll be here if you need me", he told me getting up and I watched him close the door.