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"On that day the world began to change. Men and demons involved  by good or bad  spirits. Hunting and killing down anyone they could. But even in the depth of despair, only two things matter to me. The taste of  blood-soaked flesh demons... and revenge upon two men."

~ Clarice

Cloud Strife a former member of SOLDIER, the elite warriors of the Shinra Electric Power Company. Shinra uses Mako, a refined form of the Planet's spiritual energy harvested by massive reactors, to power the metropolis of Midgar and develop cutting-edge technology. Disillusioned with Shinra, and at the request of his childhood friend Tifa Lockheart. Cloud takes a mercenary job for Avalanche, an eco-terrorist organization. Barret believes excessive Mako harvesting harms the planet, leading a bombing attack on a Mako reactor...

 Barret believes excessive Mako harvesting harms the planet, leading a bombing attack on a Mako reactor

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Meanwhile in Sector 7 location in Midgar of 7th Heaven Tifa's bar a group called called Avalanche Barret Wallace was talking to his team to blow up Mako Reactor 1 while he's talking to his teammate Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge on the the Reactor

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Meanwhile in Sector 7 location in Midgar of 7th Heaven Tifa's bar a group called called Avalanche Barret Wallace was talking to his team to blow up Mako Reactor 1 while he's talking to his teammate Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge on the the Reactor. The two other men Asben Ng and Niro Price sitting far side of the table listening to the plan. Asben is the man with slight shaggy dirt-iss blonde hair with blue sky eyes and a very handsome man wearing turquoise liner gray battle suit and Niro Price also with a very shaggy hair brush to the left (pretend its Noctis...) gray eyes and blue liner gray battle suit. They both kept listening to Barrets plan while they prepare for a fight by sharpening they're ninga swords and most all of the cool awesome swords. Tifa sitting in the middle bar with the little Marlenne making champagne though she may not join the party to blow up reactors but at least  she does not have to see people in agony.

And last but not least there is Cloud crossing his arm leaning on the wall one leg propped up the other was on the ground his head down , Cloud Strife says he's former Ex-soldier and then he becomes a merc although it's not what he had in mind ever since a few months or weeks when Cloud reunited with Tifa she offered him a job in Avalanche but he just couldn't  say no to money after all.

While Barret was done talking he is looking around the room glancing at Asben and Niro although he narrow his eye on those two he was looking for two other missing people another man and the girl with twilight hair which he calls it not any other nick name he wish to call since Tifa's hair is also black but the other girl with black twilight hair sparkling  into the stars in the cosmic sky which makes him suspicious about her since he is Asben's younger baby sister after all. As for the other man well let just say he has other jobs he has hunting duties that he calls it.

  So back to the conclusion Barret calls out:

"Alright everyone ya'll know the drill especially you Soldier boy you better be worth it or else I'll blast ya ass out!"

Cloud said nothing just a 'hpmf' as an answer which give Barret an a annoying look. Barret look at the side of Asben and Niro yelling out:

"Yo Asben, Pie Sky Boy where is your Sister and other punk with that red demon eyes that makes you wanna bleed HuH?!"

Asben replied, "Well  Kyouwa will take a long while to come back in Midgar and also my sister..... well let just say she says, "I'm coming home soon so stay put and don't try doing anything stupid." trust me Barret she promised she'll be here any day now."

Barret growled and then say, "I hope so if they don't come back in less than in hour I'm holding you responsible that includes you Pie boy!!!" Barret yelling and pointing with finger on Niro.

Niro gray eyes widen in jumping surprise though he did not like that nick name ever since Kyouwa called him that. Niro jumped in and say, "ME? I'm only doing my job and no place else besides don't call me Pie Boy and no way I ain't working shit with Soldier Boy over there!!!," He said pointing at Cloud.

Barret yelled back, "Shut up you big baby and deal with it unless you want to scrub some sinky sewer in the sink!!!!!."

When Niro was about to yell back at Barret he was cut off by someone opening the Bar's door.

The Girl with twilight black hair waking towards the group. It caught Clouds attention when he give eye contact.

United as One (Cloud Strife x Clarice Ng)Where stories live. Discover now