Chapter 5: Home Sweet Slum

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The AVALANCHE team waited for their destination to arrived at Sector Seven while they keep waiting. Later when Clarice was sitting in the passengers seat she heard Jessie calling out to her to ask if could talk to her for a quick second. Clarice didn't really have a choice but doesn't have anything to do, and just accepted her request when Cloud waited in the next cart.

"Hey Clar I'm sorry to pull you away, but I wanted to ask, what do you think of Cloud?", Jessie asked and Clarice could see the curiosity in her eyes so Clarice respond, "What do I think of him?" she answered with a question and Jessie nodded with hint of sparkles in her eyes and a smile.

"Um.... well he can be a jerk sometimes believe me I've encountered a lot of jerks on my way home."

Clarice say with no emotion but Jessie makes a 'keep going, more details' motioning with her hands and says, "Yeah...but what else?" Jessie will probably won't stop nagging at Clarice until she gives her the full details and Clarice sigh and proceed to answer her.

"Although he could be not a bad person though as everyone says, 'you can't judged a book by it's covered' so if Tifa trust him then I'm going whatever she goes."

"But he's handsome don't you thinks so?" Jessie asked with a smile and proceed to nag at Clarice.

"You always see all men had handsome feature." she reply to Jessie and give her a look saying 'duh I see all men very attractive'.

"So....?" Jessie proceed Clarice and she give her a straight answer,

 "Eh he does have a very handsome straight forward face." Then Jessie gives her a silent sequel like a high school girl that is bound to ship the two of them Clarice however not gonna like when she says next.

"So you really like him awwww  you cute little girl." Jessie says cooing at Clarice and gasping with a surprised, "That means your going make the first move and then he'll asked you out on a date. I bet he likes you too EEEEEE!!!!"

 Clarice however try to stay calm and suppressed her blush on her face trying to make a comment to Jessie that she was not expecting Cloud and her dating and that can't possibly happened can it?  She thought. "T-that's so not gonna happen besides he probably likes Tifa. But me and Strife that's impossible." Clarice said.

  "Hmmm I'm not so sure but OK. It's just, I kept noticing him staring at you every now and then. Also when I was talking to him earlier since the first mission, he kept trying to end our conversation because he wanted to chat with you." Jessie stated.

 That statement made Clarice face like a boiling water. Her brain got confused, Cloud wanted to talk to her but he's so cold to her but he did patch her up. "I - well- umm..."

She tried to speak but Jessie asked, "Sooo you like him, don't you?"

"Uhhh......" that's all that Clarice can say leaving her speechless and confused.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me!" Jessie snicked her tongue out and smiled.

Clarice sigh as they both went back to the cart and back to her seat where she previously sat. To be honest Clarice knows about what love is but it's just to foreign for her to feel that way she knows that she loves her brothers Asben, Kyouwa and sometimes Niro her cousin but Cloud...... that she doesn't know yet.

"Talking about some guy I have no feelings for is making me so out of character." She told Jessie.

"You still didn't answer my question Clar." Jessie kept naggaing Clarice can tell she was really close to being irritated at her with a pout. They were interrupted by a loud noise and suddenly the train stop moving that means that they arrived at their destination.  

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