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The team were walking a lot. Niro started to brag about beating Kyouwa in their fight non-stop. That made Barret annoyed while Tifa and Aerith sweat dropped smiling nervously.

Asben told him to shut up but it didn't as Niro continues to brag and that made him cover his ear the whole journey to Kalms.

Cloud, sweat Cloud thanking him to sock Niro and duck tape him and everyone approved as they continue the journey. Clarice smirked and thankful for Cloud to shut that whining blue swordsman.

"Hey, Barret. We really walking the whole way?" Tifa asked.


Tifa just sighs. "Kalm's still pretty far, though, isn't it?"

"'Nother full day, give or take

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"'Nother full day, give or take."

"I seriously doubt that." Asben deadpanned.

"Question.." Aerith chided in the conversation. "When my mom says, 'a full day.' She means from the time you get in the morning till the time you go to bed...but for me, it means from the time you get up in the morning all the way through till the time you get up the next morning. So, which is it for you?"

"Gotta go with Elmyra on that one." Barret said to Aerith with a smile on his face.

Aerith looks relief from this before putting her hands together. "Phew, that's a relief!"

"Is it, though?" Asben and Tifa asked.

Everyone was quiet before Barret break the silence because he turns around facing Cloud while walking backwards.

"Cloud. Bet you've had to hoof it from sunup to sundown tons of times. This is all just same old, same old, right?"

"That's right." Cloud confirmed. "But even so, we're all gonna need to stop and rest. Especially you." Cloud showed a little caring for Barret a bit.

"He's right." Clarice joined  in. "'We need to make sure we got enough energy to get the full day started.' That's what my older brother Kyouwa would say to me and Asben every time we stay up late."

Clarice, Cloud, Asben, and Tifa chuckles remember those lines of what Kyouwa used to say every time when Niro did not get enough sleep while watching his favorite movie.

"Yeah, yeah, I know.." Barret brush it off turning around by walking. "Anyway, marchin' into the unknown ain't easy, but don't worry, 'cause I'm here to lead the way!"

"That's comforting!" Aerith chuckle.

"Of course it is!" Barret agreed with Aerith and started to laugh. Barret run up in front before turning around to face the team. "Alright, everyone—let's stop here for a minute. Leader's orders!"

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