Chapter 2: The Destruction of Mako Reactor 1

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On top of the train that was currently going to Sector 1 Cloud's eyes were focused on what was ahead of him. When the train stops Biggs strangles the trooper and while Jessie give it a swift kick to knock them unconsciousness then Wedge comes down and walk towards Barret. Barret gives them a nod saying good work and the group head toward to the Reactor. Before that Barret looks up to call the Ex-Soldier and the Flame-Wing Duelist call them down.

"Get down, here merc." he called to Cloud as he jumped off the train down dramactically landing on the ground with his knee while his right arm was holding his buster sword and swinging his buster sword puts it back on doing his pose with a fiery stare. Barret look to gesture Clarice too doing the same like Cloud,

"You too Dragon-Phoenix," She nodded and jump flipped off the train (like if she was some gymnast) landing swiftly like a cat next to Cloud.  When they both started walking two more guards appeared from the stations entrance.

"Halt!", the security officer said pointing the gun at the intruders.

"Who goes there?!", the other one said questing them and run to them with his with his weapon in hand.

Barret wasn't bothered though and kept walking, without looking he told Cloud and Clarice, "You're up Dragks you do same." While Barret run past the guards unnoticed, Cloud took his sword while Clarice unsheathe hers putting her hand on the hilt in her sword holister and click the handle and opens a sharp lilac saber-blade and they are ready to fight.

"The security officer says, "You're coming with us." and the other one said "nice and easy!" Cloud took one down with a slashing stroke. "Don't think so." Cloud says. While Clarice took out the other one with a burning thrust with a lilac slash attack kart-wheel.

"Not bad." Cloud complimented Clarice.

"Thank you, not bad for yourself Strife." she replied with no expression not looking back at him.

When Cloud and Clarice finished them off they run up to catch up to the group until then, two other guards came down passing the turnstile.

"Who in the hell-!?" one yelled, the other guard following after him. The trio hid a wall while Barret hid at the left side of the opening security of the station Then the two came down passing the turnstile.

"Hands where I can see 'em!", the other one said pointing his gun at Cloud and Clarice, not bothering to see that the group just by them, jumping over the turnstiles.

"Have fun!", Jessie said simply in an excited manner with a smile after she jumped over the other side of the turnstile,  joining the other at the. At the entrance's staircase Cloud and Clarice took their swords and headed over to to the two guards.


"Move and we shoot!" they said.

Finishing them off with ease and yet with such star-struck skills. After they finished the fight, both of them jumped over the turnstile and met with the group who were hiding behind a wall against a pillar once again near the stairs.

Where once again  two more soldiers appeared walking down the stairs to charge the intruder.

"Drop the weapons" the approaching officer said pointing his gun at Cloud once again, while the other one just did the same move on Clarice as well.

"Running quietly and behind the guards once again!"  The group went for the stairs

"You got this!", Biggs said as words of encouragement to both Cloud and Clarice giving them a thumbs up.

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