Chapter 13: The Fight For Survival

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"Tifa! Let's find another way around!" Clarice said. Tifa nodded and ran ahead, Aerith running after her. Cloud and Clarice looked at each other for a second before running after them.

They finally made it to the plate as they watched a bunch of helicopters attacking their comrades.

"Dropping a whole plate...just like that." Tifa looking up to the plate watching in horror. "No. No way."  and so she ran ignoring Aerith's call as she chase after her with Cloud and Clarice behind.

They were making sure they did their best to save everyone. And stay safe while doing it.

When they made it to an open area, just right outside the city,  as soon as they stopped Aerith pleaded. "Please! Let us through!" those spectral showed up out of nowhere, blocking their path.

Cloud went to attack it but nothing happened. "What are you!?" with no answer it push him back.

"Cloud, Tifa, Clarice!" Aerith called out to them. "We have to get past, whatever it takes!"

Tifa nodded, "Right!"

"Take out the left, while we take the right!" Clarice yelled, slipping her Saber-blade out of her holsters. "I ate one of your kind, I'll eat the same again!"

Everyone did just that, and in minutes the ghost-like-things spectral entities were taken down.

"There's too many!" Tifa exclaimed. She tries to attack it but it still avoid her hits. The ghost like went to the plate.

Aerith puts her hands together in worry when the rest of the three looked at her in confused. "Aerith?" asked Cloud.

Without a sec Aerith looks to the three. "Come on!" and they both nodded.

The three of them made it to the base of the pillar, looking up after they heard Barret's familar, loud booming voice. "What you got!? Come on!" They looked up as they see Barret struggling as he hide himself from cover by the choppers shooting.

"That's Barret!" Tifa exclaimed. All of a sudden they heard a scream. Clarice gasped and watched as Wedge fell from the pillar.

Clarice, Cloud & Tifa: "Wedge!"

He tried to stop it with a grapple gun, but but ended up falling anyway.

He hit the ground with a thud and the group ran to him. Clarice's instinct kicked in from medical study and all the training she's had to do and ran to his side. "Wedge, can you stand?" After doing a few checks, nothing seemed broken with a little healing.

"Where did you learn to be quick?" Asked Aerith as Tifa and Cloud talked to Wedge.

"I have to study all the basic of medical kit and healing skills." Clarice answered.

Aerith poked Clarice's forehead playfully. "You never talk about your skills. We should talk about it sometimes."

Clarice smirked. "Not for free, you won't."

 "Cloud, Dragks... It's Shinra! They're trying to take out the pillar!" He tries to go back but failed. "I have to go back-- Barret and the others are still--"

 "Stop!" Cloud said, urging him to stay there.

Cloud got up and faced the three. "Stay with Wedge, I'm going up."

Clarice stopped him from leaving grabbing his hand. "Wait, I'm coming too!"

"No." he said, pausing for a little too long while looking her in his eyes. "You seem to have medical knowledge or something. Stay with him Clarice."

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