Chapter 18 - Deliverance From Chaos

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"Ugh, I can't believe some of those bastards won't give us something to eat just because we're being captive together." Niro groaned holding his stomach. "Hey Dragks give me somethin' to eat  I'm starving here!"

"Hey ask nicely to her!" Asben hit him on the head.

"Please?!" he said sarcastically and then suddenly two wrapped up steam buns throw into the air as they both catch it no problem. "Finally."

"Dude! Your suppose to say thank you!"

"Whatever thanks!"

They had dragged Cloud to Aerith's old room to recover and wait for him to wake up. It was weird to see him passed out for once, but Clarice welcomed the change. He could take the brain damage for once.

Asben and Niro were arguing since they have starve themselves to death they ate so fast that obviously Niro  keeps bugging Clarice while nursing for the blonde spike as Asben keeps scolding him for being a bad cousin to her.

Clarice was done doing her healing enchantment an hour ago and used up all her manna thanks to Aerith who shared her power with hers telling her to stop wasting her life force. But Clarice was just to stubborn to listen and all she cares is for Cloud to wake up.

Clarice brushed his hair behind his ear, watching him closely in case anything happened. The others were talking quietly or dozing. They couldn't do much with Cloud out. Except for her, she just keeps using up her powers.

But, finally, Cloud awoke with a grunt, "Cloud, you're awake." grabbing the hand Clarice was using to touch his hair. Clarice helped him sit up, making sure he didn't get up too fast and hurt his head.

"Oh, thank goodness. You're awake." Aerith sigh in relief and Barret nodded with a gruffly hum.

"You okay?" Tifa asked him.

"Yeah." Cloud looked around the room asking. "Where are we?"

"Where I lived- when I was still a child." Aerith explain.

Once he was situated, Aerith went on to explain that the room they were in was the room she and her mother lived in as a child. Seeing it in person broke made Clarice's heart a bit. On the walls were drawings of people dressed in bright clothes in fields of flowers that seemed even brighter, clashing with the dull, steel walls of the tiny room. The little mural was obviously drawn by a child.

Clarice watched as Cloud, Tifa, Aerith, Asben, Niro and Barrett talked. Clarice huffed and sat on the bed, turning her full attention to the group talk.

"...Aerith." Cloud started, getting her to look at him. "Before we break outta, to talk to us. There's so much we don't know." then he looks to Clarice full of questions he wants to ask her too. "You too. You have been keeping secrets to yourself and we need to know."

 The group watched on as both Clarice and Aerith seemed to struggle to find the words. Finally, Aerith took a deep breath and stated first, "I'm... a descendant of the Ancients. That's pretty much it, really. Oh, but just so you know, that's not their actual name. They called themselves the...Cetra."

"We who are born of the planet, with her we speak. Her flesh we shape," Barrett quoted. He look out of place sitting on the little couch with a giant machine gun strapped to him arm. "Unto her promised land shall we one day return. By her loving grace and providence may we take our place in paradise."

"You know it!"

"Yeah, well...Honestly I though that part was just a fairy tale."

"Shinra thinks it's true." Aerith shook her head. "They've been searching for the promised land for a long time."

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