Chapter 11: Rough Waters

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In the sewers, Cloud stood up and took of his surroundings. I was a big room, too big for a under ground sewer. He noticed Tifa was awake, kneeling beside Aerith to try and wake her up. Cloud looked to his left to see Clarice laying on the floor, presumably unconscious.

He ran over to her and shook her shoulder as he scoop her in his arms making her sit up. "Clarice." he tried, noticing her eyes fluttering.

The Flame-Wing duelist groaned as her eyes adjusted to the little light in the stinking sewers. It was then she felt warm arms she once did before, already know who they belonged too. "That's twice we keep falling, and damn. I not damsel in distress."

Cloud help Clarice up. "It happens. Damn, it reeks."

  A roar echoing through out the sewers made Clarice jump a bit and yelped. Cloud noticed and put his hand on her shoulder to steady her, which didn't go unnoticed by Tifa and Aerith.

All of a sudden, a giant pig like on two legs stepped out of the shadows. Cloud felt that coming.

The fight was long and it ended up running away after being hurt.

"There it goes..." Tifa whisper.

"Do you think it lives down here, or...?" Aerith asked.

"Or it could be Corneo's pet for humans to be eaten." Clarice said.

"And we were dinner." Cloud added.

Aerith  started to make a weird noise like a horse in fright.

"Hey... you both don't believe that crazy story of his, do you?" Tifa asked. "Shinra wouldn't sacrifice a whole sector just to take out Avalanche, would they? Destroying part of the city--killing all those people, just to get at us?"

"I dunno..." Cloud respond. "Is Corneo the kind of guy who'd make up shit just to screw with you?"

Tifa crossed her arms. "I wouldn't put it past him."
"But...if he was telling the truth..." Aerith stated. "And there's still a chance he was, isn't there? Then...we should go. And if it turns out he was lying, then so what? Right?"

Cloud, Clarice, and Tifa nodded. Then Tifa started to run where the monster went.

"Tifa!" Clarice and Cloud yelled out.

"I knew it. These tunnels are all connected." Tifa said to herself.

"What is it?" Cloud asked.

"I'm pretty sure we can use these tunnels to make our way back to Sector 7. The sewersunder Sector 6 and 7 should be connect. 'If you get in trouble, just follow the stench.'"

"Is that another lesson to be taught by you're teacher Tifa?" Clarice smirked.

Tifa smirked back at Clarice. "An Avalanche saying, actually. We use them to move around the undercity. In emergencies."

"Sure we're not lost?" Cloud asked her.

"Positive. There should be a big waterway just up ahead. Let's find that first."

"Lead the way." Aerith gestured.

As they made their way through the sewers, Clarice felt stinky. "When this is all over. We're all taking a shower." Clarice sighed. Aerith laughed and agreed while Tifa and Cloud stayed silent.

Walking through the tunnel was difficult between fight since no one was taking unless it was about the plate crashing, not to mention it was grungy feeling. Through most of the ways they were flipping switches, crawling under dams, and all.

The four of them had to walked across a high place. It wasn't that high, Clarice had to keep telling herself for the hundreds of times she hates heights as stepped onto the dam. She successfully made it across and Cloud patted her back afterward. Truth be told she actually liked that affection.

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