Chapter 17: The Belly Of The Beast

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The group watched as SHINRA soldiers unloaded vehicles and other SOLDIERS. Clarice internally groaned as she realized their ticket to SHINRA's headquarters was the back of the trucks they used for transporting. But in her mind she was not happy to be back at Shina company. To many of her memories resurface the last time she was here before she became SOLDIER. 

Or, as Barret called it and said , "Rolled out the welcome wagon."

Tifa, ever the voice of reason, sighed as they all looked out from the catwalk. "Gotta say, I can't help but wonder if this is a lost cause."

"Well, ya know," Barret started. "Some lost causes are worth fighting for."

"I have to be honest to you three, I really don't like being back at this hellish society." Clarice smirked but frown at her comrades. "But saving my brothers and Aerith comes first and we must act now."

"I'm really sorry you have go back there, Clar." Tifa said apologetically.

"Don't be." Clarice shook her head. "Besides, I'm looking forward to blow up this building anyway."

"Let's just think this through before you could do something reckless." Cloud remind her as she shrugged at him. And Barret started the plan that came up with.

"So I got an idea. Frontal assault, guns blazing. Make for a good story."

"Why'd we bring you along again?" Cloud asked a hint of amusement in his voice. Clarice held back a snicker. If Cloud was anything, it was witty. "Rear entrance. We'll get inside via the parking garage."

And just as Clarice feared. Welp no backing down now girl.

"There!" Clarice pointed the truck. " A truck that leads to Shinra."

"C'mon." Cloud said.

They made their way to an overpass, and anxiety rose in her chest as the four of them jumped down onto a moving vehicle. The transport van was going to take them right where they needed to go, so Clarice wasn't about to start an argument about jumping onto a moving car. Clarice grabbed Cloud's arm as they approached the guards who checked the vehicle for, well, them. Cloud gestured to lay low while Tifa puts her finger to her lips.

As soon as they thought they were all clear, the van starts moving again. Clarice felt herself relax.

Or so she thought...

"So far, so good." Until Barret fell, dragging Tifa with him.

So, Clarice and Cloud jumped down to help fight.

"Ha! Bring it on!" Barret pumped up.

"The idea was to not get noticed." Cloud remind him.

"Stealth ain't my style."

"You never planned to be stealthy in the first place."

"Don't remember. Maybe, maybe not." Barret plays dumb.

"Knock it off you two!" Clarice scold them for bickering.

Slicing, twisting, and jumping, the fight was not as bad as they thought it would be. But, alas, their original plan was forcefully scrapped. Their new plan was to keep moving and fighting their way to their goal.

After all the fighting, we were able to get inside of the Shinra building, not going to lie but it was huge,just as Clarice remembered.

"Nobody's home." Barret was right. The SHINRA Headquarters, at least the floor they were on, was empty except for them.

"Do you have any idea where they might be holding Aerith, Asben and Niro?" Tifa asked. Clarice looked to Cloud for his answer.

"I'm thinking a research facility. That'd make the most sense." Cloud replied.

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