Chapter 12: Haunted

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The four group watched as the helicopter flew past them, heading towards their destination. Clarice saw Tifa worrying and she needs to comfort her putting a hand on Tifa's shoulder. "It's alright. They're only patrolling, we still have time to make our way to Sector 7." watching as Tifa nodded before walking to catch up with Cloud and Aerith.

"We could get lost in there." Cloud said.

"This is the train graveyard all right-" Tifa stated. "a real treasure trove of scrap. Sector 7 should be just past that large maintenance facility over there." she pointed to that big old building.

" she pointed to that big old building

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"I vote we stay in the light so we can see where we're going." Tifa gesture.

"Dark, dark, everywhere..." Aerith could feel goosebumps rising.

The group stopped for a moment so they could figure out where to go next. "It's deserted...and kinda creepy." Aerith says.

"People don't come around here often." Tifa explain. "And not just because of the monsters, but... because of the stories."

"What kind of stories if I may ask?" Clarice asked though she could feel a spooky vibe coming from her friend.

"Everyone seems to think that the train haunted." Tifa just had to spook everyone out. "Those who lose their way out there in the dark of night will never, ever find their way back home again." Tifa recited.

Tifa and Aerith seemed uneasy while Cloud just thought it was made up for telling kids this. "Is that right?"

"You really believe this kinda story to be true?" Clarice disbelief.

"I mean, It's not I think it's true or anything..." Tifa put her hands up defensively after Cloud hummed. "But, you's..."

"Then let's hurry." Cloud said, obviously wanting to go. Clarice couldn't tel if he was worried or not about the story behind this place. Clarice, on the other hand, felt like this all just rumors to scare all the locals and made it like it was believable.

As they continued walking, Clarice did get that uneasy chill down her spine. She brushed it off as the wind blows and kept walking next to Aerith. It wasn't until a door slammed on its own.

 It wasn't until a door slammed on its own

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