Chapter 19: Destiny's Crossroads

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Tifa was driving everyone in the little truck.  The breeze felt nice on Clarice's face as she stared up at the night sky hanging on tight with Cloud.

Tifa, Aerith, and Asben could help but watch those two with a knowing grins, while Niro just gags and stick his tongue out with a thumbs down.

"Home free, Red!" Barret yelled out to Red.

Red look like he wasn't into all of that, "I wouldn't celebrate just yet."

Barret look like he wasn't having it just like of how Clarice and Cloud did to him when they went on to destroyed a Mako Reactor, "Man, you need to lighten up. Hell, you might even try smiling."

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Red looked to Barret and tried to smile but no! Barret starts to get second doubts about it.

"On second thought...maybe frowning suits you better." Red started to pout clicking his tongue to himself at Barret before looking away from him and used his hand to tease Red a bit, "Hey, don't pout!"

"Stop teasing him Barret." Asben piped in feeling sorry for red.

"Look." Red was looking up at the sky.

Barrett yell for them to look back at Shinra's headquarters. "Are you guys seeing this!?"

Cloud stopped his bike and as he and Clarice spun it to face the building.

Whispers circled the entire Shinra building like a dark tornado. It was like something out of a horror movie. Everyone got out of the car to see a lot of Whispers.

"Whispers." Aerith muttered out.

"It's like the whole damn building is made of em'." said Barrett.

"Yeah." said Cloud.

"Great, this feels like the Dark Ages have already begun." Clarice added feeling chills through her spines

"I don't understand. What are they doing?" asked Tifa.

Aerith shrugged. "Who knows..."

Barrett seemed alarmed for a moment, taking a few steps forward. "Wedge- you don't think he's caught in all that, do you?"

"If he did, I hope he's okay," replied Asben.

"Poor guy." Niro chided.

Red cut in with, "They're coming."

"Who?" Barrett asked who, but that question was answered quickly. A bunch of SOLDIERS on motorcycles headed their way and fast. "This, we don't need."

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