Chapter 14 - A Broken World

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Cloud grunted as the two of them hit the ground, holding Clarice to his chest as he took most of the impact for her. Clarice struggled to get her breath back, still stunned by the fall, and winced as Cloud sat up, taking her with him. He didn't give Clarice much time to rest as he helped her stand and they were already turning to search for Tifa when the plate exploded behind them.

The force of it threw the two of them forward and Clarice hit the ground again, harder this time. There was so much dust and ash floating around, she couldn't see. Her ears were ringing so bad she couldn't even think and Cloud was there, kneeling next to her, his hands pushing her hair back as he asked her something Clarice couldn't hear, his eyes dark with worry when her eyes wouldn't focus

It took a moment to Clarice's hearing to heal as she can finally hear Cloud. "Clarice are you okay? Are you hurt?"

Clarice blinked at him and shook her head in response as he pulled her up and away from the smoke.

They found Tifa waking up seeing them running toward her. Looking at her surroundings the places crumbled.

Clarice didn't blame Tifa. Her home and friends just got crushed and her brothers are captured by the Turks now been sent to Shinra company.

"My brothers... why would they..." Clarice couldn't bare to say another word.

"I don't know Clar..." Tifa looked down sadly then they heard a familiar voice. 

"Hey! Anybody out there?!"

"Barret?!" Tifa called out. "I think I hear him up ahead!"

Tifa continued up ahead as she heard Barret call out for them. Clarice was about to run after her, but stopped when she felt a hand grab her. Her eyes darted up to Cloud's. He wasn't looking at her, but she could see the faintest hint of pink on his face.

"Stay close to me." He suggested and Clarice obliged his words and nodded.

Cloud pulled Clarice ahead, only letting go of her hand to bend down to crawl under things through tight spaces. Otherwise, their hands were still intertwined. Clarice was grateful for the comfort.

They found Barret softly repeating Marlene's name then screaming it out. He then started screaming for Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie.

"Goddammit." He broke into a sorrow state. Clarice wanted to comfort Barret, though she wasn't sure if she can.  "Goddamn you! Goddamn you all!" He started slamming his fist to the rubble again, and again, and again.

Clarice let go of Cloud's hand and rushed over to Barret.  She grabbed Barret's hand to stop hitting the wall again.

Clarice give a tight squeeze as she placed her hand in his and felt the sadness all over again.  "Barret, you have to calm down. Punching things won't  solve anything. Aerith got Marlene and took her somewhere safe. I'm sure she okay."

Tifa came closer and her hand on Barret's back. She seemed in a trance as she said, "It was us. We did this."

Barret tightened his grip on Clarice's hand. "No... You can't think like that. Whatever came before, it was Shinra that pulled the trigger today. Am I right!?" He sounded not sure of himself at the last part.

He and Clarice turned  around to see Tifa's tightening her fist shaking. "...Yeah..."

 Barret let's go of Clarice's hand and hold Tifa's. "Hold on to this. This...anger. Okay?" Afterwards, he wrapped Tifa in a on handed hug.

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