Chapter 6: Mad Dash

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Meanwhile when Cloud saw Clarice leave he goes back to his apartment to rest as he plan until morning until he came across Jessie leaning next to his door frame crossing her arms, until Jessie finally saw him and give Cloud a cheesy smile.

 "Welcome home, honey! Took your sweet time." She says happily teasing tone.  Cloud on the other hand respond a grunt leaving him nothing to say and sigh before Jessie  brought her hand up,

"Psych." She says

Cloud just sigh at this again to see Jessie just slump looking down and back up, "Are you gonna let me in so we can talk in private?"

And just like that as Cloud closed the door so they can talk something so Jessie started, "Guess I'll get right to the point,then." as Jessie holds up a red materia.

"What've you there?" Cloud asked her.

"An apology. For not getting you on the mission." Cloud was going to grab it, but Jessie moved her hand holding the red materia away from him,"Or not. What you think it is?"

Cloud sigh moved his arm down, "A proposition." he answered.

 "Nailed it in one. Gonna have to ask you to keep all this a secret from the others, though. It's a personal matter--something I need to sort out tonight." She said.

"Tonight?" Cloud question.

Jessie confirm, "Tonight. You, Clar and me, together. I want you and her to come with me to the Sector 7 plate. I'll give you the details on the way."

"That's fine by me.. But don't you have a pretty big day ahead of you?" he wondered and thought why would Jessie want Clarice on the mission too?

"I do, but... If I don't deal with this now, it's only gonna get harder... Anyway... I can count on you and Clar, can't I?" she asked him and Cloud hummed as a 'yes' as Jessie throws the red materia to him, luckly Cloud caught it, "A down payment." before she left, "Oh and go to Clar''s home and make sure you bring her with you on this mission tonight."

 As he thought about it he walked over to Jessie telling her that he's ready and Jessie approved and tell him to get Clarice and meet her at the station after dark.  As Jessie left Cloud he sighed and said to himself, "It's...just another job.." as he thinks for a few moments and starts walking to where Clarice's house is where she and her brother and cousin lived. Not long ago he asked Tifa where her location is at as he not so long he found it. Cloud started walking small steps on the porch and raised his hand to knock the door step.

On the inside of the house Clarice woke up in the night, turning and pressing her face into her enticing pillow, the persistent headache hammering her skull; it was definitely too early.

Knocking on her door to the other side of the room stirred Clarice's brain from a half-sleep state. Roughly rubbing her eyes, she smacked her dry lips together, dragging herself up and clumsily slipping into the door. As she walked to the doors entrance her face collided against its wood and a pained hiss fell from her mouth. She rubbed her poor nose as she clutched the handle.

"Who's it?"

"It's me," Cloud replied.

"Me... 'Me' who?" She mumbled, her mind trying to start its engines. And she noticed that it is definitively not Asben, or Kyouwa and sometimes Niro's voice because they come home sometimes late.

Cloud sigh from outside. "Cloud."

"Oh, right," she stated sleepily, unlocking the hatch on the door. "You can come in if you want."

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