Chapter 7: Dogged Pursuit

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Cloud is in deep sleep than little did he not notice the ghost with robes appear as he grunts one of those thing hover above him and Cloud raise his hand to clutch his chest when this thing is talking,

"Sleep. And dream the sweetest dreams..." that thing whispers and then Cloud jolted waking up gasping looking around in his room as he quickly got up and hurrying grabbing his sword when suddenly Tifa bursting the door in panic,


"What's wrong?" he ask her  in concern.

"Come with me! Quickly!"  Tifa panting as she lead Cloud running outside to see a whole bunch of ghost everywhere.

"We were getting ready to set out when those things showed up and came after us!" Tifa explain pointing at them, "The others?" Cloud wondering, "Barret and Jessie are holding their ground, but for how long I don't know..."

"What about Clarice and her brothers?" he ask her, "I haven't seen her yet, Asben and Niro are probably with her right now." She explain also worried what will happen to Clarice and her brothers.

"Let's go."  Cloud said to Tifa as she nodded "Right." the things started surrounding Cloud and Tifa,

Cloud: "Ready?"

"You know it!" Tifa bravely replied and they raised they're fighting position to make there way running to the group as they race down to the bar none of the attack are working so they keep on fighting, "More of them!?" Tifa exclaimed, "We're running out of time."

"Any other way?" He reply to her, "Yeah--over here!" as Tifa lead Cloud to a short-cut when a whole bunch of them blocking their path before reaching the others as Tifa lead him in another way clearing a path fighting like a hurricane as they finally made it when the ghost knock Barret over losing his balance on the steps.

"Barret!" Jessie calls out to him and Barret stands up again shooting, "Gimme a break!" he angrily says.

"Jessie! Barret!" Tifa yells out to them

Barret:"Where you've been?!"

Jessie: "They just coming! We've gotta do something!"

"Hang on!" Tifa calls out to them as she and Cloud making their way to them when that thing block their path again and another one pulls Tifa away when Cloud calls out reaching out to her as Cloud slashing them all to save Tifa.

Meanwhile Clarice, Asben, and Niro running every direction to get to the bar with all those ghost flying around Sector 7 a they Clarice kept slashing every last of them while Asben and Niro tailing her behind. Though in Clarice's mind she has to admit that those things wearing in robes, Cloud was right all along though she can't blame him.

"Where do all theses floating dementor - jedi looking things come from?!" Niro yelled.

"Who cares we got to get to the bar and help Tifa and the others!" Asben told Niro.

"Asben is right, and they do not look like jedis!" Clarice chimed in.

 As she and her brothers made to the bar and spotted Cloud and Tifa as the three of them saw the those ghost things push Jessie off the porch falling on the ground.

"Jessie!" Tifa calls to her, "Dammit!" Barret said as the ghost started attacking her and that made Clarice wide eyes gritted her teeth and a sudden coursing energy as she rush past Tifa and Cloud with an unbelievable purple flash of speed as she went in front of Jessie to protect her Clarice suddenly summon something unexpectedly that shock both Cloud, Tifa, Jessie, and Barret that will blow there minds and that made Asben and Niro worried of what will happen if she does.

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