Chapter 3: Scorpion Sentinel Boss

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In the elevator they we're patiently waiting, Clarice was standing next to Cloud, who was in the middle with Jessie at the right of him and she's in the left side, Cloud with crossed arms and with a calm posture although his face stern. Barret was unfortunately in front of them walking back and forth. He then stopped in front of Clarice.

"This pump's sole pump's sole purpose is to drain the planet dry

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"This pump's sole pump's sole purpose is to drain the planet dry.", He explained. "While you eat, while you shit--it's here sucking up mako."

"It doesn't rest and it dosen't care!", He continued in anger.

"You do realize what mako is, don't you?" He questioned us. Barret looked towards the group and then to Clarice who kept her face blank while listening, "Mako is the life blood of our."

Cloud looked to Jessie with a "seriously" face, while she looked at him and shrugged looking back at Barret with a hand on her head shaking it, in a facepalming matter, thinking that was ridiculous.

Clarice on the other hand was grateful for the information and listened intently, while staring straight inwardly at his frantic movements.

"The planet bleeds green like you and me bleed red." He bantered, "The hell you think's gonna happen when it's all gone, huh!? Answer me!"

"So mako, to them is like oxygen," Clarice thought and spoke up, "Without it they would die along with the planet."

"Exactly!", Barret said staring at Clarice with a serious face and a nod, causing Jessie and Cloud, standing next to her, looking towards her, she remained unbothered by they're stare. "You gonna stand there and pretend you can't hear the planet crying out in pain?"

"I know you can!", He said pointing at Cloud, who in return just stared with his arms crossed unbothered.

"I know you can!", He said pointing at Cloud, who in return just stared with his arms crossed unbothered

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"You really hear that?", Cloud said looking intently.

"Damn straight I do!", He said with confidence, punching his chest.

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