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All eight of them stood on a cliff, looking at Midgar from afar. The sun was setting over it in the distance, turning the sky pink.

"Marlene! I'll come back." Barrett was calling out to Marlene, letting her know that he would be home soon.

"So... What now?" asked Tifa.

Aerith shook her head. They all turned to look at Cloud who was turned around, looking at something in his hand. Clarice took a peak behind his should seeing the black feather belong to Sephiroth.

"Sephiroth," he said closed his hand on the black feather and it was gone. "As long as he's still out there, I..."

"I thought you and Clarice beat him," said Barrett. Cloud just shook his head.

"We can," said Aerith. "We will."

Tifa stepped up, "Count me in."

Asben nudged Niro with a proud full look "Me too. And If we were lucky we could run up to Kyouwa and surprised him. Together and we can stop Sephiroth as well!"

Niro chuckled mischief and rub his hands together. "Oh yeah! And then we'll have a rematch the day he will lose. Ha!"

  "If it's to be a hunt, you could use a nose like mine." said Red.

Barrett turned around, obviously not wanting to show he's a softie "I'm in too! Bastard wants to destroy the whole planet, doesn't he? An enemy of hers is an enemy of Avalanche!"

It was Clarice's turn to speak now. "Whatever journey that lies ahead.  I'm here for you Cloud. No matter what, we stick together. Till the very end."

He nodded at them, taking Clarice's hand. Sharing a look, the two of them didn't break eye content for a while. The only thing that kept them from their weird staring was the sky tuned dark, and rain began to drizzle.

The rain was pouring down when Clarice felt something familiar as if someone was there. Two people were having a hard time walking the person  was trying his best to help his friend.

It was Cloud being help up by Zack.

"Almost there, Cloud. We're almost there..."

Cloud walk with Clarice grabbing her hand to intertwine with hers walking forward. Aerith felt that feeling as well.

Both Zack with Cloud  and Cloud with Clarice hand in hand both pass by as their journey to the unknown begins. They do not know of what their unknown journey will be.

But one thing for sure Clarice and Cloud will do anything that stood in they're will to take on anything.

And maybe, just maybe, one day when Clarice will build up her courage to tell Cloud about the past they spent together when they once reunited again. She will tell him who she is and what happened that day Cloud lives up to Zack's legacy.

United as One (Cloud Strife x Clarice Ng)Where stories live. Discover now