Chapter 8: A Trap Is Sprung

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The Five of them made their way up the tall structures,  fighting they're way through enemies created by Shinra

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The Five of them made their way up the tall structures, fighting they're way through enemies created by Shinra. Cloud confidently marched in front of Clarice, the friend she used to know, seemingly no longer the same; at least that's what he wanted to project. Even with all of the facades he held in front of his face like face down poker cards, the Cloud she once knew, was still there underneath.

"That's it. That's the smell. This place reeks of mako." Barret commented

A dramatic annoyed groan fell from Clarice' lips as she gazed down, Cloud's bright eyes flickering over towards her. "There doesn't look to be a way down."

Tifa blinked, leaning over the barricade, gazing down at a large pipe stretching from the edge of the metal bridge to the floor below. She pointed towards it and looked back at Clarice  smiling. "Here maybe?"

Clarice's face paled at the sight, the floor below her seeming to move further away. Barret didn't seem to mind, a grin on his face as he moved over towards her. "Well now! That could work!"

Tifa climbed over the railings, easily using the pipe as a slide and landing gracefully at the bottom. "Come on guys! Hurry up!"

Barret gently knocked by her and Cloud. "I'll go next."

Clarice watched as he skidded down the pipe, joining Tifa. He glanced back up at her and Cloud, his eyebrows raised. "Well, what are you waitin' for, Clarice?"

"Uhh, maybe Cloud should go first," Clarice murmured, with a nervous with a thine line on her lips.

"Clarith scared of heights because she not used to high place when she takes every job offer!" Niro exclaimed to Cloud mocking Clarice teasing her. And that made her have a tick mark and sock Niro in the face so hard as Niro yelped and cry in pain holding his nose from a incoming monster strength as he still groaned in agony. 

Cloud frowned, then his gaze became slightly softer. "You're scared of heights?"

"Tch, no," Clarice said meekly, Cloud stared at her, his expression unmoving. She sighed. "Okay, maybe a little bit. That's why I thought taking the last parachute to prove myslef to Niro. "

"I can help you down," Cloud replied after a few moments. "Here, give me your hand."

"Are you sure? I might drag you down with me," she nervously laughed.

"We're a team," Cloud bluntly stated, taking Clarice aback. He reached out his hand to her, his eyes watching her intently.

"Okay." Clarice nodded, taking hold of his offer. He climbed over the railings, gently guiding her. Unsteadily she with Niro behind still hold his nose that has a nose bleed now as they both walked down the pipe as he kept hold of Clarice.

"Are you ready?" Cloud asked. "It's okay to be scared of something I won't tease you like he did. I did told back at the bar remember?"  Cloud softly tells her.

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