Chapter 15: In Search Of Hope

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The next morning Clarice arose and realized that she is in her corner of the room, that's when it hit her that the event that occurred last night was heavy coming back to her. If it wasn't for the bottoms of her feet being tinted green and the grass that was in her black twilight locks, she would've assumed it was a dream.

Once she made it downstairs, the sun was out and that was the cue to get ready for this day. Tifa and Barret were downstairs and they were looking at Elmyra, Clarice was looking at Cloud who then glances back her. They said nothing and just nod at each other.

"You've done more for us than we deserve. I won't forget this. If you ever need anything, all you gotta do is holler." Barret thanked Elmyra.

"Happy to help out however I can." Elmyra said to Barret. Cloud and Clarice knew Elmyra was still upset about last night be they didn't want to give up on Aerith and of course Clarice's brothers Asben and Niro.

"Elmyra." Cloud said.

Elmyra sigh and look to the two. "...I've been thinking about what you said."

Cloud nod his head. "She's calling out to us. We can feel it."

"We all can." Tifa got in the conversation. "So please. She's out friend. We have to help her and we can't forget about Asben and Niro, they're ours and Clarice's family, we can't  lose them as well."

Clarice smiled by Tifa's words as she took her hand in hers looking to Barret nodding his head to Elmyra with a smile.

"I always knew it was coming. Knew that one day I'd have to say goodbye to my baby girl, but not yet." At those words, Clarice's heart fluttered. "Please-bring her back to me and make sure your brothers is safe with you in good hands."

Clarice and the rest of the crew grinned and nodded. They weren't gonna let Aerith and her brothers down. They heard Marlene running towards Barret at full speed.

"Daddy!" Barret looked at his little girl, looking innocent as ever in her tiny pink gown "Are you going?"

Deciding it was best to give them their space, Clarice waved to Elmira and followed Cloud and Tifa's lead to go outside. The three stood outside in silence as they waited for Barret to finish up talking to Marlene. It was awkward silence, but comfortable.

Clarice and Cloud had yet to make any eye contact whatsoever since that last night about their conversation, but it wasn't that bad thing whatsoever.

If they were gonna talk about it, they'd rather be alone to do so without one of her friends or her brothers spying on them. Clarice was sure they would get a chance at some point.

"You know Clarice we could go shopping to get you more new attires." Tifa smiled . "Purple and blue looks good especially black look too."

The two girls giggled. "When I have the time to by more fabric for Niro to design, then I'll consider it. Besides I can still mend my old one with my kit, plus it's still good and clean."

"You really happy Clarice, really happy." Tifa smiles the comment.

Clarice raised a brow confused before any more conversation could be had, Barret stepped outside with a look that mirrored Tifa's determined one earlier. "She's tougher than me," Barret smiled, slipping on his shades. "Aight! Time to get some payback."

"Don't forget why we're doing this" Cloud said. The conversation they held flooded back to Clarice.

"I know, I know, to save Aerith." then Barret add. "Also ours and Clarice's brothers before that Saber-Wing comes back and sees the mess Shrinra made."

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