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I felt asleep in peters arms.

Peter walked downstairs with me and Bucky picked me up.

Peter:„she was crying I'm sorry..."

Bucky:„its ok! It's not your fault!"

He nodded and stroked over my head.

Bucky put my thumb out of my mouth and sat down with me.

When Steve woke up he felt a little bit better but still not completely fine.

Y/n:„dad! Daddy woke up!"

Bucky:„hey Steve how are you?"


Bucky:„let me take you temperature!...well 37.5! Just rest a little bit!"

Steve nodded and started drinking the tea what I brought him.

I sat down on his lap and brushed his sweaty hair aside with my hand.

He kissed my cheek and I cuddled up to him.

Everyone was sitting there and talking or doing something on their phones.

Bucky:„ c'mon let daddy sleep!"


He tried to pull me away but I started screaming and crying.

Steve:„buck stop please..."

He let me out and I grabbed Steves arms tighter.

Steve:„ princess...it's ok! You can stay..."

We layed down and he felt asleep.

After 2 hours he woke up again.


Bucky:„im here!how are you?"

Steve:„feeling very good!"

Bucky kissed him gently and ran his finger trough his Hair.

Y/n:„can we watch something?"

Bucky:„of course!"

He put on a movie and brought us food.

Bucky:„ come here y/n eat it!"


Bucky:„because you must eat dinner!"


Steve:„not again the why questions!"


Bucky:„because I told you to!"


Bucky:„i don't know!"


Bucky:„enough or you will go to sleep!"


Bucky:„alright! Say goodnight!"


Bucky:„i warned you!"

He picked me up and walked upstairs.


Y/n:„no! Im sorry!"

Bucky:„to late doll!"

He turned the light off and closed the door behind him.

As he walked out I started crying and screaming as loud as possible.


Nat:„you are not going to calm her down?"

Bucky:„no! She must learn to listen to us!"

I didn't stop and after 5 minutes Bucky came upstairs.

Bucky:„y/n stop!"

I looked at him and as he walked out I started screaming again.

Bucky:„y/n I'm warning you! Stop it!"

Of course I didn't stop so he took me and put some cold water on my face.

Bucky;„are you calm now?"

I nodded but knew that I wouldn't stop.

Steve walked upstairs with us to put me to bed.

Steve:„darling please try to sleep!"

Y/n:„not tired!"

Steve:„its your punishment princess!"

Y/n:„dad wanted to watch a movie without me and you! Just with Nat and tony!"

Steve:„what is she talking about?"

Bucky:„i think I know what she's talking about!"

Steve:„what movie?"



Bucky started running away and Steve ran after him.

Bucky:„please stop! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! That was just a joke! I didn't want to watch it!"

Steve:„i don't care if you watch it! But I'm angry at you that she knows such a word!"

Steve picked me up and walked downstairs.

Bucky:„love! I'm sorry!"

Steve:„stop it buck! If she says the word again! You will tell her to stop! Princess..."

He turned toward me and smiled.

Steve:„forget the word please!"

Y/n;„which one?"

Steve:„the bad one!"

Y/n:„when you started screaming after?"

He nodded and I laughed.


Everyone gasped in the room and I laughed and started saying the word.


Bucky kneeled down to look at me and said in a calm voice:„ y/n please stop saying that word!"

I didn't stop so he picked me up and walked upstairs, Steve followed us.

Bucky:„stop saying the word!"

I stopped as he repeated it with a very angry and loud voice.

After I stopped he sat me down on his bed side.

Bucky put a salve on my legs and I let myself fall back.

Bucky:„ c'mon let's get you to your room!"

Y/n:„i wanna sleep here..."

Bucky:„darling we talked about this!"

I got tears and clung up on Steve who was already lying in bed.

Steve:„let her sleep here..."


I cuddled up to them and we all felt asleep no minutes later.

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