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We ate lunch and then played a game with y/n.

Y/n:„you and dad were fighting...?"


Steve:„nope they weren't fighting princess!"

Y/n:„but he apologized!"

I saw how tony looked at me confused.

Bucky:„yes...about that! We are just telling that to eachother sometimes!"


We were playing ludo but after a time y/n zoomed out again.

The doctor told us that the games could help her but they didn't.

Steve:„y/n! Your turn!"


She got up and walked upstairs.

Bucky:„y/n! Come downstairs doll!"

After she didn't came we walked upstairs and saw her standing Infront of a picture still zoomed out.

Tony:„what are you staring at peach?"

Y/n:„this lady and the little boy! I never saw her..."

It was Tony and his mom, tony cut Howard out of the picture some years ago.

Tony:„oh yeah this picture...I will tell you tomorrow alright?"

Y/n:„i want to know it now..."

Bucky:„y/n come on! We will finish the game!"


She staid there still looking at the picture until we had dinner.

Steve:„y/n! C'mon food is ready!"

She walked downstairs rubbing her eyes.

Bucky:„awww is my little doll tired?"

She nodded and as he picked her up, she let herself fall down on Bucky's shoulder and felt asleep.

Bucky:„doll...hey wake up! We have dinner!"

She didn't answer so he put her to bed.


~y/n pov~

I walked downstairs and saw how Steve was ready to bring me to school.

Y/n:„i don't wanna go..."

Steve:„i know princess..."

He walked into the car with me and we drove to school.

Steve:„alright have a nice day at School...just sit down and stay calm alright? Love you princess!"

I walked into school without saying anything and sat down on my seat.

Freddie:„look who's back again!"

Jason:„not again..."

Freddie:„what? Are you a girl or why are you trying to be nice?"

Jason:„cause she's cool! And she's better in hockey than all of us!"

I walked into the bathroom cause I hated it when someone was fighting.

~steve pov~

I drove home and saw Peter making out with mj.

Steve:„oh god Peter!"

Peter'„omg! I'm so sorry mr.rogers!"

I chuckled and gave him his jeans to change into, suddenly Bucky came downstairs.

Bucky:„they already finished?"

Steve:„you saw them too?"


He laughed and Peter walked upstairs with Mj.

Steve:„next time just do it in the bedroom!"

~y/n pov~

I started listening to the teacher and we had a test again.

After school I sat down into the car and we drove home.

They cancelled hockey practice today so I staid with my dad's downstairs.

I came home and tugged on Bucky's shirt.

Bucky:„oh hey doll! You're finally home!"

He kissed my cheek and waited until I say something.

Bucky:„what did you want to tell me?"

I shook my head and he let me out.


I nodded and hugged him.

Bucky:„i love you too..."

Steve:„we could go out today!"

I shook my head and Bucky chuckled.

Bucky:„c'mon...it's gonna be fine! We will go to the park!"


Steve:„yes! She said something!"

I giggled and they helped me to get dressed.

But before we walked out they helped me to do homework after I finished we and buddy went out.

I was playing on the playground with buddy and after a time we walked home.

I got a little bit tired so Steve picked me up and sat me down on his shoulders.

Somehow I felt asleep and woke up as he put me down on the couch to open my jacket and put my shoes down.

Bucky:„i will make dinner!"

Pepper:„nope! I already cooked something!"

I sat down and pepper gave me food.

Peter stormed into the compound bleeding on his arm.

Y/n:„what happened?"


Pepper:„he isn't here! Hes in a meeting!"

Peter:„i need-"

He started panicking so I walked up to him and hugged him.

Steve:„pepper bring me the first aid kit!"

He started treating peters wounds.

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