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I walked downstairs in the evening and laid down on Steve.

Everyone was there and talking.


Tony:„what's up kid?"

Buddy jumped up on Bucky and he started patting him.

Peter:„i wanted to know how you all met!"

Tony started talking.

Telling how they all met and how they fought against Loki but then Loki changed and all the stuff.



Peter:„what about you?"

Bucky:„me? I uhm..."

Steve:„we found him!"

Peter:„and how was it before you got the winter soldier?"

Bucky:„i was happy!"

Tony:„and now?"

Bucky:„im happy too...cause i have a wonderful husband, child and dog..."

Peter:„you and mr.rogers....when did you started dating?"

Bucky:„well our first date was 1933 right?"

Steve:„yeah...omg! I was 15 and you 16!"

They laughed and kissed.

Peter:„you were-"

Bucky:„yeah we were dating...Steve...he came over to me at 4 am and told me that he had a huge crush on me! And loved me! Well...I knew why he told me those things..."

Steve;„i had problems and didn't want to live like this! So i..."

Peter:„oh im sorry for you sir..."

Steve:„its ok cause Bucky helped me! We went on our first date and we were kissing in alleys cause it wasn't allowed...and we always waited until our parents weren't at home..."

Bucky:„yeah you always ran over to my house..."

Tony:„alright! We don't need to know this privat story what happened behind these doors!"

They laughed and buddy started licking my face.

Peter:„are you feeling better y/n?"

I nodded slightly.

Bucky picked me and buddy up and walked upstairs.

Steve followed him slowly upstairs and Bucky put a blanket over me.

Bucky:„are you really feeling better doll?"


Steve:„we will take care of you princess...are you hungry?"

Y/n;„no...I wanna go play hockey!"

Steve:„we have already talked about this baby..."

Y/n:„im tired..."

Bucky:„we will let you sleep..."

He turned the night light on and they walked out.

~Steve pov~

we went to our room and i took a shower.

When I came out, bucky was waiting for me on the bed.

bucky;"I'm thirsty..."

He came closer to me and he rubbed his fingers over my abs.

Steve: "I hope this quenches your thirst!"

he sat down on me and pushed me back slightly on the bed.

He started kissing my upper body and swallowing the drops of water that were still on my skin.

steve: "buck..."

bucky:"shhhh doll...don't talk..."

He unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them down.

Steve:„b-buck we can't...not now..."

Bucky:„what why?"

Steve:„im just tired...I uhm want to sleep..."

Bucky:„oh...uhm ok! Sorry..."

Steve:„no...it's ok!"

He brushed his hair back and walked out of the room.

In fact I wasn't even tired...I just didn't want to...but I still laid down and waited until Bucky came upstairs.

~1 am~

Bucky came upstairs and laid down too.

Steve:„goodnight love!"

I wanted to give him a kiss but he turned around.


I turned the light off and he felt asleep.

~2 am~

I was still awake and saw that he was sleeping peacefully so I moved over to him and laid down on his chest.

Bucky:„steve...go back to your side...and let me sleep!"

He pushed me down and I sighed.

Steve:„why are you mad? Cause i didn't want to have sex?"



~bucky pov~

Steve took y/n to the doctors cause she was in pain and couldn't breathe.

I walked downstairs and saw Natasha on the couch.

Nat:„so you and Steve are fighting?"

Bucky:„of course he told you!"

I sat down and buried my face into a pillow.

She sat down next to me and put her arm around my shoulder.

Nat:„what was it about?"

Bucky:„he doesn't...he doesn't-"

Nat:„he doesn't...want to have sex?"

Bucky:„he told you?"

Nat:„no! I saw that you got nervous when I asked you! And you both get really nervous when someone is talking about it!"

I looked away and sighed.

Bucky:„what did I do wrong?"

Nat:„maybe he is scared because you got hurt...or something hurts him..."

Bucky:„he got hurt?"

Nat:„no! It could be that you hurt him maybe when you had sex!"

Bucky:„thanks Natasha!"

I hugged her and walked upstairs .

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