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After y/n calmed down we did the homework and put her to bed at 7 pm.


Y/n hadn't had school today cause the teacher had a meeting, so we let y/n sleep and I did breakfast.

Bucky was sleeping too.

I wanted to wake him up but he was sleeping so peacefully so I put the blinds down and walked out.

After they both woke up I gave them breakfast and at 2 pm we drove y/n to hockey practice.

~y/n pov~

I went on the ice and saw Jason and Freddie.

Coach:„so we are gonna make two teams and play against eachother and in the end we will have a little race!"

My team won and as we had the race I must skate against Freddie.

I was really fast but suddenly he pushed me aside, I felt to the floor and he skated over my hand.

It started bleeding and I cried.

The coach picked me up and put me onto the bench while calling a doctor.

My dad's ran up to me and Bucky took my gloves off.

I was bleeding alot and there was a deep cut.

Coach;„y/n...the doctor will be here in five minutes! Do you want something to drink? Eat?"

I shook my head and clung up on my dad's crying.

Steve:„hey...shhhh c'mon don't look at it!"

After a while I felt unconscious cause of the blood.

As I woke up I was laying on the floor and the doctors started treating my wound.

Doctor:„hey little one! How are you?"


Steve ran up to me and stroked over my cheek.

Doctor:„alright we treated the wound! I'm gonna give you a spray and some pills!"

Bucky:„yeah thanks I'm gonna take them!"

Doctor:„what happened?'

Noone said anything.

Coach:„we had a race and she felt on the ice and someone skated over her hand!"

Steve helped me up and we drove home.

Bucky:„how are you feeling doll?"

He was sitting in the backseat with me and saw that I was shivering and the bandage was full of blood so he put another one over it.

Bucky:„doll...how are you feeling?"


He put a kiss on my head and I started tearing up.

Bucky:„you can talk to us doll..."

Y/n:„i don't have anything to tell you...i-i uhm...i-i..."

Bucky:„shhhh doll...just talk if you want too!"

Y/n:„my Hand hurts..."

Bucky:„we will take good care of you!'


Bucky:„you know that right?'

I nodded slightly and he kissed my cheek.

After we came home everyone was looking at me and Bruce looked at the wound again,the doctors stitched.


He stroked over my hand and I started screaming and crying.

They started talking to me so I would stop crying.

Nat:„wait...I went shopping! I will be right back!"

She ran into her room and came back with a bag.

Steve:„princess look who's here! Buddy!"

She pulled some clothes out and tried them on.

I stopped crying, was stroking buddy and watching Natasha.

The last tear rolled down my cheek and Bruce put a spray on my hand.

Bucky wiped the tears away and they put a bandage over my hand.

Steve picked me up and put me on the couch.


I sat down and Bucky put a plate full of spaghetti Infront of me.

I wanted to pick up the fork but it felt to the floor.

Bucky;„y/n don't play around!"

I couldn't feel my left hand anymore so I picked the fork up from the floor with my right hand and tried to eat again.

Steve:„y/n! The fork should be in your left hand!"

I put it into my left hand and it felt to the floor again with some spaghetti on it which buddy ate up.

Y/n:„i can't hold it!'

I looked up at them and then at my hand.

Bucky:„im gonna feed her!'

He sat me down on his lap and started feeding me.

Y/n:„im full!"

I put the plate away but he didn't let me go.

Bucky:„you must eat!'


He let me go and I started playing around with buddy.

~7 pm~

Steve:„bed time!"

Y/n:„im hungry!"


Y/n:„please...im hungry?"

He gave me spaghetti and after I brushed my teeth I went to sleep.

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