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I couldn't breathe well that was until I opened my mouth.

My nose was completely congested and I could barely make a croaking noise without my throat burning.

My eyes were red and also burning what led to tearing up.

I walked downstairs and yawned.

Steve:„darling where were you? I woke you up two hours ago!"

I barely listened to him and just sat down next to buddy on the floor.

Bucky:„you ok baby?"

He stroked over my cheek but I didn't even had the strength to answer.

Bucky:„what's going on? Why are you crying?'

I shook my head no and just leaned my head against his knee.

Steve:„princess? What happened?"


I couldn't say more...cause every word caused pain in my throat.

Bucky:‚doll? Talk!"

I sighed and felt as I stood up how my body was shivering.

I just shuffled over to the stairs and wanted to walk upstairs but my dad grabbed after my hand.

Bucky:„doll you will stay here!"

He knelt down in front of me and I let myself fall forward into his arms.

~steve pov~

I saw how tired she was! Oh god what was going on with her?'

Bucky walked upstairs with her and laid her back down while I put the blinds down.

Steve:„hey buck look if she has fever!'

He put his hand on her cheeks and nodded slightly.

Bucky:„yeah it's not very high but still!"

I walked into her bathroom, put a cloth under the cold water and placed it on her forehead.

We woke her up at 2 pm to eat soup but she was too tired so we let her sleep.

At 5 pm she walked downstairs so I picked her up and sat her down on my lap.

Steve:„how are you?"



She nodded and felt asleep again as I started shaking my leg and shushing her cause she was whimpering.

~1 hour later~

~y/n pov~

I was leaning against my daddy's chest sleeping and woke up as I heard them laughing loudly while Morgan ran up to them.

Tony:„oh god I love her!'

Bucky:„yes! I love baby's!'

Steve:„oh god...who doesn't?"

Bucky:„i would love to adopt another one!"


Bucky:„yeah a 2nd child would be perfect!'

Daddy chuckled so I stood up and stumbled over to the stairs.

Steve:„hey princess how are you feeling? Wanna eat something?'

I shook my head no and walked upstairs where I laid down and felt asleep after some minutes.

What's going on with me?

As I woke up, it was already dark so I walked over to my dad's room where I heard them talking.

Steve:„you think she heard us talking about the baby?'

Bucky:„maybe...? I don't know but a 2nd child...it would just be great!"

Steve:„you think? This would be a lot of work!'

Bucky:„what about a well behaved child?"

Steve:„two kids are too much work darling!"

Oh god...they want another kid? What if they don't wanna have me anymore?

I walked back into my room and sat down into my bed crying.

After a while what felt like forever my dad's walked into the room.

Bucky:‚doll? What's going on? Hey..."

Steve:„don't cry sweetheart!'

They hugged me and started stroking over my hair.

After I calmed down I clung up on buddy who was laying on my lap.

Y/n:„what time is it?'

Bucky:„2 am...better question! How are you feeling?'

I shrugged my shoulders, not wanting to worry them or be a burden...I was scared that they would give me back and adopt another kid.

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