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My dad's gave me breakfast and after tony stopped driving we jumped out and started walking.

Well buddy was running to be honest! He was so happy to be out here.

We were walking for hours and went swimming.

After that we walked back and felt asleep in the car again.

The next day we did the same but daddy made a campfire for all of us and I felt asleep in his arms.

We did this the whole week! It was amazing! The best thing was that buddy was so happy!

We were running around allot! And well as we drove home I was a bit sad but my dad's told me that we would do it again!

As we arrived at home I put my things into my room and my dad's sat down next to me on my bed.

We cuddled up and I giggled as dad started tickling me.

Steve:„are you happy that we are back?"

Y)n:„i just missed my bed..."

They laughed and we felt asleep.

The summer holidays went by pretty fast and suddenly I was sitting in my bed crying.

Steve:„y/n...open the door! Please!'


Bucky:„darling c'mon...we just wanna talk...you know that you can trust us!"

Tony opened the door with a second key and I started crying harder as daddy pulled me into a hug.

Steve:„its ok honey...it's ok!"

Y/n:„i don't wanna go!"

Bucky:„we know doll!"

Nat:„what's going on?"

Tony:„school starts tomorrow!"

Steve:„what about ice hockey? You will go again! And you will learn russian!"

I sniffled and nodded.

Bucky:„see...everything will be fine!"

I still had tears in my eyes but stopped crying.

My dad wiped them away and as I blinked the last tears rolled down my cheek which landed on my dad's hand.

Bucky:„its ok honey..."

We enjoyed the last day and after dinner my dad's packed my schoolbag with me.

Y/n:„i don't wanna...please?"

Tears started forming in my eyes as I had a pencil in my hand to put it into my schoolbag.

Steve:„no no no don't cry sweetie..."

He slid over to me and hugged me tightly.

Bucky:„baby it's ok...the first day will be hard! But we are here ok?"

I nodded and they gave me a kiss.

They put me to bed at 8 pm and I felt asleep.

~steve pov~

Y/n asked us if we could stay in her room until she fell asleep so we did.

After she finally felt asleep we gave her a kiss and walked out.

Buddy was laying next to y/n so I wasn't scared about y/n getting nightmares today...

In the morning we woke up y/n and gave her breakfast.

Bucky:„y/n you will eat lunch at school ok? Cause you will have russian class after lunch alright?"

She nodded clearly not listening to us so we told her as we drove her to school and before she walked into school again.

~y/n pov~

I went into school and saw already my old class...yay...

Anna:„look who's here!'

She looked at me and I sighed loudly...

As the teacher came into the room.

We talked about our summer holidays and then at lunch I went into the cafeteria.

Anna:„look who's here! And how was Paris freak?"

Y/n:„leave me alone...please..."

Anna;„you are a freak! Not even your dads or uncles and aunts can change it!"

I looked away and sat down on a chair by a single table to eat.

As we had russian class we got a new teacher! She was really nice to be honest...

As I walked out of school I saw Anna and her big sister laughing.

My dad was already waiting for me so I sat down into the car as fast as possible.

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